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How to Set Up Application Properties

You can configure application properties by opening $OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_HOME_DIR/config/feedback-application.properties and setting the following:

Application Host URL

The server URL where the application will be deployed. It must contain the protocol and port and it will be used in the email notifications:

Image Upload Configuration

Image upload allowed extensions:


Sets the maximum allowed size of an image in KB.


Set it to true for images to be validated (extension and size) before being uploaded or false to not validate them.

Comment Configuration

Sets the limit of how many characters a comment can have.


Sets the number of days that a deleted comment can be restored. After that, the comment is permanently deleted.

Accounts Management Configuration

Sets the number of hours that a newly created account can be activated before it expires.


Sets the number of days that a deleted account can be recovered.

Role Change Settings

Sets the number of hours that a site ownership transfer is valid. If the transfer is not accepted within that time, it will automatically be cancelled:


Sets the number of days that a role change is pending. If not accepted within that time, it will automatically be cancelled.

Cross-Domain Cookies Settings

Controls whether or not the Feedback server sets the SameSite=None attribute on the cookies sent to the client.

If the application is configured to run on HTTP, then this property should be set to false for the login to work properly.