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Configuring a Different Authoring Experience Depending on User Role

When the XML editor is opened, a userRole Loading Option is passed with the following possible values:

  • OWNER - For review tasks owners.
  • REVIEWER - For reviewers of a review task.
  • AUTHOR - For authors editing in the personal authoring workspace.

You can create multiple frameworks tuned for different user profiles and load them depending on the current user. You can share configurations between these frameworks by using the framework extension mechanism.

To configure a framework to be loaded for a particular user profile:
  1. Install this plugin: https://github.com/oxygenxml/web-author-user-role-plugin/. It will contribute some framework matching rules that takes the profile of the user into account.
  2. Configure each of the Association rules for your framework to use the Java class that corresponds to the desired profile: AuthorUserFrameworkMatcher, ReviewerUserFrameworkMatcher, or OwnerUserFrameworkMatcher.