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How to Upgrade Oxygen Feedback to a New Version

To upgrade Oxygen Feedback Enterprise to a new version on Linux, follow this procedure:

  1. Stop the current Oxygen Feedback instance. For example:
    Run $OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR/oxygen-feedback-1.3/bin/stop.sh
  2. Make a backup of the database used in your current Oxygen Feedback installation.
  3. Download the latest Oxygen Feedback Enterprise installation kit.
  4. Create an installation directory (subsequently referred to as NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR) and unzip the downloaded kit to this new directory. The application files are stored in this directory.
    Sample code to create the installation directory:
    export NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR=/home/feedback/oxygen-feedback-upgraded
    sudo chown feedback: $NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR
    Sample code to extract the archive content:
    # Download new version of Oxygen Feedback and save it to $NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR
    wget https://www.oxygenxml.com/InstData/Feedback/oxygen-feedback-enterprise.zip
    # Unzip downloaded file
    unzip oxygen-feedback-enterprise.zip

    Step Result: The archive content is extracted into a new directory (for example, named oxygen-feedback-1.4), so the path becomes: [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4.

  5. Configure the Feedback Home Directory and Application Properties.
    By default, the Feedback Home Directory is configured to point to the current installation directory. The home directory stores the configuration and other data. You can set a custom home directory, other than the current installation directory.
    Note: It is recommended to have it separate from the installation directory to make it easier to manage updates.
    1. Depending on whether or not you have a custom Feedback Home Directory configured in your previous installation, choose one of the following procedures:
      1. [Option 1] If you already have an external Feedback Home Directory configured:
        1. Make a backup copy of the current home directory:
        2. Edit [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/feedback-home.properties to point to the custom path created in step 4 above.
        3. Update the properties file structure from [OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_HOME_DIR]/config to match the new structure from [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/config (if needed). If the structure was modified, also update the new property values.
          Tip: You could perform a directory diff comparison between [OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_HOME_DIR]/config and [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/config to determine the changes in the structure. You should also fill in the newly added properties in the latest version (see How to Install Oxygen Feedback Enterprise Service on Linux - Step 4: [Optional] Create Separate Home Directory (for Config and Data)).
      2. [Option 2] If you have not configured a custom Feedback Home Directory in the old installation:
        1. Update the [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/config properties files based on your configuration from your previous installation. Perform a directory diff comparison between [OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_HOME_DIR]/config and [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/config to determine the changes.
        2. Fill in the newly added properties in the latest version (see How to Install Oxygen Feedback Enterprise Service on Linux - Step 4: [Optional] Create Separate Home Directory (for Config and Data)).
        3. Copy the [OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.3/data directory (old installation) to [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/data.
        4. Copy the licensekey.txt file from the old installation to the new installation directory.
    2. If you are using MySQL, copy the MySQL JDBC driver from the old installation to: [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/lib or download a version of MySQL and add it to [NEW_OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR]/oxygen-feedback-1.4/lib (see How to Install Oxygen Feedback Enterprise Service on Linux - Step 6: Set Up Database).
  6. Start Oxygen Feedback Enterprise. For example:
    Run $OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_INSTALL_DIR/oxygen-feedback-1.4/bin/start.sh