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Cursor Navigation Preferences

Oxygen JSON Editor allows you to configure the appearance and behavior of the cursor in the Author mode editor. To set cursor navigation preferences, open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Author > Cursor Navigation.

The following options are available:
Highlight elements near cursor
When this option is selected, the element that contains the cursor is highlighted. If the cursor is between two elements, both of them are highlighted. You can use the color picker to choose the color of the highlight.
Show cursor position tooltip
Oxygen JSON Editor uses tooltips in Author mode to indicate the position of the cursor in the element structure of the underlying document. Depending on context, the tooltips may show the current element name or the names of the elements before and after the current cursor position.
Show location tooltip on mouse move
When this option is selected, Oxygen JSON Editor displays tooltips when you are editing the document in certain tags display modes (Inline Tags, Partial Tags, No Tags) or when the mouse pointer is moved between block elements.
Quick up/down navigation
This option is deselected by default and this means that when you navigate using the up and down arrow keys in Author mode, the cursor is placed within each of the underlying XML elements between two blocks of text (the cursor changes to a horizontal line when it is between blocks of text). This allows you to easily insert elements and manage the structure of your XML content. However, if this option is selected, the cursor ignores the XML structure and jumps from one line of text to another, similar to how the cursor behaves in a word processor.
Quick navigation in tables
This option is selected by default and this means that when navigating between table cells with the arrow keys, the cursor jumps from one cell to another. If this option is not selected, the cursor navigates between XML nodes when navigating between table cells with the arrow keys.
Avoid positioning the cursor between blocks after a deletion
If selected (default), the cursor will not stay between block element sentinels after a deletion is performed.
Arrow keys move the cursor in the writing direction
This setting determines how the left and right arrow keys behave in Author mode for bidirectional (BIDI) text. When this option is selected (default value), the right arrow key advances the cursor in the reading direction and the left arrow moves it in the opposite direction. When this option is not selected, pressing the right arrow will simply move the cursor to the right (and the left arrow moves it to the left), regardless of the text direction.