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XPath Preferences

Oxygen JSON Editor provides content-completion support for XPath expressions. To configure the options for the content completion in XPath expressions, open the Preferences dialog box (Options > Preferences) and go to Editor > Content Completion > XPath.

The following options are available:

  • Enable content completion for XPath expressions - Enables the Content Completion Assistant in XPath expressions that you enter in the @match, @select, and @test XSL attributes.
    • Include XPath functions - When this option is selected, XPath functions are included in the content completion suggestions.
    • Include XSLT functions - When this option is selected, XSLT functions are included in the content completion suggestions.
    • Include axes - When this option is selected, XSLT axes are included in the content completion suggestions.
  • Show signatures of XSLT / XPath functions - Makes the editor indicate the signature of the XPath function located at the cursor position in a tooltip.
  • Function signature window background - Specifies the background color of the tooltip window.
  • Function signature window foreground - Specifies the foreground color of the tooltip window.