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Controlling Which Author Operations Gets Executed Through XPath Expressions

An Author mode action can have multiple operation modes, each one invoking an with certain configured parameters. Each operation mode has an XPath 2.0 expression for activating it.

For each operation mode of an action, the application will check if the XPath expression is fulfilled (when it returns a non-empty node set or a true result). Only the first operation whose XPath operation is fulfilled will be executed.

The following special XPath extension functions are provided:
  • oxy:allows-child-element() - Use this function to check whether or not an element is valid child element in the current context, according to the associated schema.
  • oxy:allows-global-element() - Use this function to check whether or not an element is a valid global element for the current framework, according to the associated schema.
  • oxy:current-selected-element() - Use this function to get the currently selected element.
  • oxy:selected-elements() - Use this function to get the selected elements.
  • oxy:is-required-element() - Use this function to check if the element returned by the given XPath expression is required (based on the rules declared in the schema).
  • oxy:platform() - Use this function to get the current platform in cases where you want to enable or disable an action depending on the platform. Possible values include: eclipse, standalone and webapp.