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How to Change the Default Application Name, Favicon, Logos

It is possible to change the default name of the application, favicon, and logos for your Oxygen Feedback interface. This can be achieved by changing the following properties in the config/feedback-application.properties file, setting their values according to your customization needs:

  • feedback.product.name - The default name of the product that is displayed in the header of the Administration Interface pages and the sign up/log in page.
  • feedback.product.favicon.url - The URL of an image file to be used as the default favicon image.
  • feedback.product.logo.url - The URL of a logo image file to be used as the default logo that is displayed in the header of the sign up/log in page.
  • feedback.header.logo.url - The URL of a logo image file to be used as the default logo that is displayed in the header of the Administration Interface pages (if an organization logo has not been chosen) and in the header of the commenting component in the output (if a logo was not chosen for the particular site configuration).
# Product branding configuration
feedback.product.name=Oxygen Feedback

Custom images can be placed in the [Oxygen-Feedback-Home]/data/images directory. Their path is referenced in the properties file with /images/... (without "/data"). For example, if you place an image in /data/images/logo.png, you must reference it as /images/logo.png.

How to Use a Different Logo for Mobile Devices

If you want to use two different logos (one for desktop and one for mobile devices) for your Oxygen Feedback interface (for example, if the desktop version of the logo is too large for mobile devices):
  1. Reference the desktop version of the logo image in the config/feedback-application.properties file as described in the previous section.
  2. Save the mobile version of the logo image in the same directory where the desktop version of the logo image resides. It must have the same file name as the desktop version with _mobile added to the end of the name (for example, if the desktop version is named appLogo.png, the mobile version must be appLogo_mobile.png).

Result: The application will automatically use the mobile version of the logo file (e.g. appLogo_mobile.png) for mobile devices and the desktop version (e.g. appLogo.png) for desktop devices.