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Dashboard Page

When you log in to the administration interface, you are directed to the Dashboard page. This page is especially helpful for those who integrate the Feedback commenting component in multiple websites. It aggregates basic information about all of your existing site configurations.
Note: The Dashboard page is slightly different for the Feedback Platform Admin. They have access to their own special Admin Interface that is reached by clicking the button on the right side of the top ribbon.

The Dashboard contains the following panes (depending on your user role):

Get Started
The Get Started pane includes buttons that trigger actions for the most popular tasks, particularly for users who are getting started. Once a task is complete, it is marked as done (with blue outlines). The actions available are:
  • Setup organization profile - This action opens the Organization Profile page where you can manage information about your organization.
  • Invite members - This action opens the Members page where you can view all the members attached to the organization, invite new members, and associate user roles.
  • Create first site - This action initiates the process of creating a new site configuration.

The Sites pane displays all the existing site configurations along with information such as the number of pending, open, or resolved comments, the Owner of the site configuration, and the number of members. The site configurations with pending comments are listed first, and then the rest are sorted alphabetically. For users with a role of organization Owner, Admin, or Moderator, it displays all the activity for all the site configurations attached to the organization. For users with a role of organization Member, it displays activity for site configurations that the user is assigned as site Owner, Admin, or Moderator.

The following components are available in this pane to help you filter the information or navigate to a certain page:
  • If you click the Sites title in the top-left corner of the pane or if you click the Manage sites link in the top-right corner of the pane, you will be directed to the Sites page where all your site configurations are displayed in a tile format.
  • If you click the name of a site, it will open the Site Dashboard for that particular site configuration.
  • You can click the Add site link in the top-right corner or the pane to create a new site configuration.
  • If you click on the name of the site configuration, it will open the Comments page where comments can be moderated and managed for the particular configuration.
  • The number of Pending (not shown if the Comments Moderation option is set to None), Open, Reopened, and Resolved comments are displayed for each site configuration. You can click the icon or number to open the Comments page with the comments automatically filtered based on the status you click.
    Note: The number of Open, Reopened, and Resolved comments do not include replies (only first-level comments).
  • The number of community members is displayed in a blue box on the far right for each site configuration. Clicking the blue box will open the Community page where you can see all the members of the site management team and any other user who has posted a comment for the particular site configuration.
  • By default, five site configurations are shown, but you can click the Show more link at the bottom of the pane to show the rest of the sites.
  • Sites that do not have any page views detected in the output have a warning icon () displayed under the site avatar/name. No page views usually means that the site/version has not been installed so these warnings are meant to offer troubleshooting hints.