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Configuring Web Author Logging in Content Fusion

To configure logging for the built-in visual editor, follow these steps:
  1. Connect to the Content Fusion Enterprise machine over SSH.
  2. Edit the log4j.properties file from the Web Author Docker container and then restart that container:
    1. Go to the Content Fusion directory:
      cd /fusion
    2. Copy the log4j.properties file from the Web Author Docker container to the host:
      sudo docker cp "$(docker-compose ps -q webauthor)":/tomcat/webapps/oxygen-xml-web-author/WEB-INF/log4j.properties log4j.properties
    3. Open this log4j.properties file in an editor to add the following lines to enable additional logging:
    4. Once you have finished editing the file, you can copy it to the Web Author container with:

      sudo docker cp log4j.properties "$(docker-compose ps -q webauthor)":/tomcat/webapps/oxygen-xml-web-author/WEB-INF/log4j.properties
    5. Restart the Web Author Docker container to apply the changes:
      sudo docker-compose restart webauthor
  3. [Optional] To verify the content of the log4j.properties file, you can run:

    sudo docker-compose exec webauthor cat /tomcat/webapps/oxygen-xml-web-author/WEB-INF/log4j.properties
    These changes will be lost if the Web Author Docker container is re-created.
  4. [Optional] If you have not changed the default docker log driver, you can see the live feed of logs by running:
    sudo docker-compose logs --follow webauthor
    It will block your current console until you press Ctrl+C (Command+C on macOS).