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Backing Up Content Fusion Data

It is recommended for the server administrator to set up periodic backups for the Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise Server.

Creating a Backup

A Content Fusion backup contains a PostgreSQL database dump along with configuration, project, and task files.

To create a backup, execute the following command on the Content Fusion machine:
sudo bash /fusion/admin/create-fusion-backup.sh MY_BACKUP_FILE

MY_BACKUP_FILE may either be a file name or file path.

A review task is divided into two parts (task metadata that is stored in a database and task files that are stored on the file system). Therefore, backups might contain tasks with small de-synchronizations. For this reason, the server administrator should choose a time with the least amount of usage to create the backup.

This will create a backup archive (MY_BACKUP_FILE) in the current directory. If the backup file already exists, you will be prompted to choose whether or not to overwrite it. If you run the create-fusion-backup.sh command without specifying the backup file, it will create a timestamped file (e.g. fusion-backup-20240325125325.tar.gz) in the current directory).

Storing a Backup

The server administrator should create backups and download them to a safe backup storage location periodically. One method of doing this is to create a cron job that periodically connects to the Content Fusion machine to create a backup and download it using rsync.

Restoring a Backup

To restore Content Fusion from a backup, execute the following command on the Content Fusion machine:
sudo bash /fusion/admin/restore-fusion-backup.sh /path/to/fusion-backup.tar.gz

The script takes one argument, the path to the backup file to restore from.

restore-fusion-backup.sh will scan the given backup and if it is corrupted it will ask whether to continue or not. You can use the -n option to run it in non-interactive mode, where it will fail when encountering a corrupted backup.
After restoring from the backup, start Content Fusion by using the following command:
sudo bash /fusion/admin/start-content-fusion.sh