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GitHub Authentication in Content Fusion Enterprise

To enable GitHub authentication in your Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise Server solution, follow these steps:
  1. Create a new GitHub application.
    1. Visit this GitHub registration page and complete the details to register a new developer application.
    2. For Application name, pick something like "Your Company - Content Fusion".
    3. For Authorization callback URL, type https://example.com/api/oauthc/githubId/callback.
      https://example.com should be replaced by the location where Content Fusion is hosted.
    4. Click Register application.
    5. You will be presented with a Client ID and Client Secret. Take note of these 2 values.
  2. On the machine where Content Fusion is installed, add these 2 lines to the /fusion/data/config/api/api.properties file, replacing Client ID and Client Secret with the 2 values from the previous step:
    gh_id=Client ID
    gh_secret=Client Secret
  3. Restart the Content Fusion machine.
    sudo bash /fusion/admin/stop-content-fusion.sh
    sudo bash /fusion/admin/start-content-fusion.sh

Result: Users will now have the option to log in with GitHub credentials when signing into the Content Fusion interface.