Creating a Property File to Impose the Connection to Your Enterprise Server
You can create a properties file to specify the address of your Enterprise
server. This server address will then be imposed when Oxygen XML Editor/Author
connects to the server and the collaborators who will be uploading review tasks will not need
to do any manual configuration. When they click Connect, your server
address will be imposed and they will not have the ability to change it. To create the
properties file, use this procedure:
Create a properties file named with the following content:
where [on-premise_server_address] is the URL of your Enterprise server (for example,
Save this file in Oxygen's default preferences directory. Depending on the platform and product you are using, this file is located in the following directories:
Oxygen XML Editor:- Windows - [user-home-folder]\AppData\Roaming\com.oxygenxml
- macOS - [user-home-folder]\Library\Preferences\com.oxygenxml
- Linux - [user-home-folder]\.com.oxygenxml
Oxygen XML Author:- Windows - [user-home-folder]\AppData\Roaming\
- macOS - [user-home-folder]\Library\Preferences\
- Linux - [user-home-folder]\
- Each collaborator who will be creating and managing tasks needs to install the Oxygen Content Fusion Connector add-on in Oxygen XML Editor/Author, then open the task management view and click Connect.