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Error Messages

Error 016 - Internal Server Error

If you receive this message (Error 016 - Internal server error), contact the Oxygen Support Team from the Support Page.

Error 018 - Your Session Has Expired

If you receive this message (Error 018 - Your session has expired), simply refresh your browser session and log back in.

Error - Database Connection Could Not Be Established

If you receive this message (Error - Database connection could not be established), contact the Oxygen Support Team from the Support Page.

Cannot Load the Application for the Current Configuration

If you see this message in the output where the Feedback comments area should be displayed, something went wrong with the installation. There are three possible cases:

The Application Token is Invalid
If this error message (The application token is invalid) is displayed under the Cannot load the application for the current configuration message, it most likely means that the particular version for this site configuration has been deleted and it needs to be reinstalled. Go to the Site Versions page, click the Add Version button to create a new version and complete the wizard, or click the Installation button on an existing version and complete the process.
The Application Token is Missing
If this error message (The application token is missing) is displayed under the Cannot load the application for the current configuration message, it most likely means that something was modified in the installation fragment or something went wrong during the installation. You simply need to reinstall the particular version of this site configuration. Go to the Site Versions page and click the Installation button on the particular version and complete the process.
The Site Owner Has Deleted Their Account
If this error message (The site owner has deleted their account) is displayed under the Cannot load the application for the current configuration message, it means that the Owner of the particular site configuration has deleted their account. Another user will need to create a new site configuration and reinstall the comment system.

The Email Address Cannot Be Retrieved From the LDAP Server

If LDAP authentication is enabled and a user enters valid credentials but the Feedback service cannot retrieve the email address from the LDAP server, the authentication fails with the following error message:
The email address cannot be retrieved from the LDAP server
Contact the server administrator to check the LDAP properties configuration
The possible causes for this are:
  • The LDAP user entity does not contain such information.
  • The value configured for the feedback.ldap.emailAttribute property from the $OXYGEN_FEEDBACK_HOME_DIR/config/feedback-ldap.properties file does not match the LDAP attribute that describes the user's email address on the LDAP server.