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Task Files Page

Clicking on Files in the left stripe opens the Task Files page that lists all the files that are attached to the task.

Figure 1. Task Files Page

You can click on a file to open it in the visual editor. If other people have the file open, you will see their avatars next to the file. You can hover over an avatar to see the name of the person.

If the Concurrent Editing feature is enabled for a particular task, multiple people can work on the same file simultaneously. Otherwise, only one person can edit the file at once. If someone else is currently editing the particular file, you will see a Lock icon on the left side of the Files box and that person's avatar will have a red border. When a file is locked, no one else can edit the file until that person navigates out of the visual editor, closes the browser, or uses the Finalize My Review button. If you hover over the lock icon, it will show you who has the file locked.

To refresh the list of files, click the Refresh button on the right side of the Files header.

To download the task, click the Download button. This downloads a zip archive that contains all task files, along with change history downloaded as a Git working directory (making changes traceable). To inspect the history, extract the archive and open the root directory in your Git client. Information about the email and author name of the person who made the change in Content Fusion is included.

To upload a file to the task, click the Upload button. This opens the system file browser where you can select the file to upload.

The review task header stripe (just below the upper stripe) contains useful information and actions for the particular review task. The components in this header stripe remain persistent regardless of the page you navigate to within the review task.

Creating a New File Inside a Task

You can also create a new file from this page and it will be attached to the current task:
  1. Click the New File button to create a new file from a list of templates. Select an appropriate template, choose a file name in the text field at the bottom, and click OK.

    Step Result: The new file is opened in the visual editor page with some of the XML structure already added for you.

  2. Use the visual editor to make changes to the document.
    Since you are the task owner, you have access to the Toggle Change Tracking toolbar button. You may want to toggle this feature off when adding content to a new file.
  3. The next logical step would most likely be to share the task with anyone you want to review the documents.