Oxygen XML Academic Eligibility


Recognizing the importance of supporting the global academic community, Syncro Soft offers students and academic institutions the opportunity to take advantage of our special Academic licensing program for Oxygen XML Editor.


Note that in order to qualify for this program, the use of Oxygen XML Editor is restricted to teaching and academic research purposes only, and are not permitted for use in government or industry funded projects, and/or for commercial gain.

Syncro Soft provides Oxygen XML Editor Academic licenses to hundreds of leading academic institutions and universities around the globe.


Customers must meet one of the following criteria to be considered a "Qualified Educational User" and eligible for Academic pricing:

  1. Educational Institution.

    An accredited academic institution (public or private) organized and operated for the purpose of teaching its enrolled students and accredited by the applicable governmental regulatory agency in the country in which the Educational Institution has its principal offices.

  2. Administrative Offices & Boards of Education.

    A local, regional, or national administrative office that administers one or more Educational Institutions described above.

  3. Teachers, Faculty and Staff.

    Individuals that work full or part-time at qualifying Educational Institutions.

  4. Students.

    Full and part-time matriculated students at qualifying academic Educational Institutions.

  5. Public Libraries.

    Institutions supported by public or private funds that primarily provide general library services without charge to all residents of a given community, district, or region.

  6. Public Museums.

    Public or private institutions organized on a permanent basis for essential education or aesthetic purposes; utilize a professional staff; regularly exhibit tangible objects to the public.

  7. Home-School Programs.

    A home-schooling program that belongs to a nationally recognized home-schooling organization which provides K-12 education to a student or students with written proof that it meets established requirements.

  8. Hospitals and Healthcare Systems owned and operated by an Educational Institution.

    Institutions that are wholly owned and operated by an accredited Educational Institution (see definitions above). “Wholly owned and operated" means that the Educational Institution is the sole owner of said hospital or health care system (including all of the organization’s assets) and the only entity exercising control over the hospital's day-to-day operations.

Examples of entities not eligible for academic pricing:

  • University Press (academic publishing houses) of educational institutions.
  • Non-accredited schools/ educational institutions.
  • Training centers.
  • Hospitals, healthcare systems, and research laboratories that do not meet the qualifications above.
  • Students, faculty, or staff enrolled or employed by hospitals, healthcare systems, and research laboratories that are NOT wholly and operated by an accredited Educational Institution.
  • Non-profit/charitable organizations.
  • Churches.

Eligibility verification

Applicants must be able to show proof of eligibility and applicable accreditation if requested by Syncro Soft or a Syncro Soft Authorized Reseller. It is at Syncro Soft's sole discretion to accept or decline the applicant. Any issues or concerns regarding the preceding definitions shall be resolved at Syncro Soft's discretion.

Once your eligibility has been verified, you will receive your academic license for Oxygen XML Editor.