Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
Specifically designed for application developers and integrators
Pricing and licensing for businesses, Academic and individuals
Just wanted to say thank you for a great tool. As a UI designer I truly appreciate the little touches that make Oxygen so useful. Even something simple like resizing when I move from a large monitor to a small one. For over ten years I had used a competitive product and switched to Oxygen with a new employer. Your interface is so intuitive it was painless and I discover new features every day. Kudos.
I have been asking a lot of questions about Oxygen over the last month and I just wanted to thank the support team for the amazing level of support I have received. Answers have been prompt, helpful and courteous. The Oxygen editor is great of course but the level of support definitely made a difference in my recommendation to my manager that we use the tool. Thanks again.
As a professional XML-developer user I still discover every now and then useful new features in Oxygen and my experience is almost always: "Wow - this is really useful and pretty well thought-out!". It is a pleasure to work with Oxygen :-) As developer I use almost exclusively open source software, but as for Oxygen I must say it is one of the very few commercial tools that is worth its money!! If Oxygen were for free, I would donate the money. Carry on the good work!
Pagina GmbH - Digital Humanities
Oxygen has all the reviewing tools our authors and editorial staff depend on, with change-tracking and commenting and many features needed behind the scenes. Tools that are so powerful and so easy to learn are rare.
Manning Publications - XML Team Manager
In Crane's experience, the Oxygen editor has the widest and most complete spectrum of functionality across multiple ISO and W3C specifications for XML documents. This comprehensive tool appeals to both our novice and expert clients, from simply editing and publishing XML documents in a styled angle-bracket-free interface to intricately diagnosing, debugging, and profiling transformations. In particular, the cross-platform implementation ensures all users have the same functionality. Crane Softwrights Ltd. is proud to offer different hands-on Oxygen training classes where we share with students our own experiences of using this tool on a day-by-day basis.
Crane Softwrights Ltd. - Chief Technology Officer
Oxygen is the premier text editor for XML geeks, and an indispensable tool for O'Reilly's Production group. My team uses Oxygen for everything from simple XML editing to schema validation and XSLT transformations. The digital production staff especially loves Oxygen's built-in EPUB support, which eliminates a great deal of the grunt work that is usually entailed in editing EPUB files. The more we use Oxygen, the more realize what a powerful tool it can be in digital and XML-based workflows.
O'Reilly Media - Director of Content and Publishing Operations
Choosing Oxygen XML Editor for worldwide deployment throughout Amdocs was easy: it's highly versatile, multi-platform, and packed-full of features. Since its adoption in 2007, we received positive feedback from our employees, praising its great documentation, low learning curve, neat interface, and a very enthusiastic technical support team. We will most definitely keep on using this great XML editor in the future.
Amdocs Cyprus - Manager of Treasurer
Maybe it's time to update the endorsement of Oxygen that appears under my name on your web site, as I've now been using the product for considerably longer than six months. Oxygen still hits a sweet spot, but a wider one than ever. The feature set, performance, and interfaces get better with every release, while its core virtues remain, including the portability across platforms and the enlightened licensing (to users, not machines). Bravo for creating a product that needs no apology.
I've now been using Oxygen for about six weeks. I really like it. I agree with Norm Walsh that it hits a sweet spot. I hope it continues to be available on all the major platforms: that's a key feature long-term, I think.
Oxygen user mailing list - Oxygen wish-list
A recognized expert in the emerging field of Humanities Computing, Wendell Piez has been working with SGML and XML technologies since 1994. In 1995 he was appointed to the faculty at the internationally-known Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (at Rutgers and Princeton Universities), where he worked on developing applications of the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) and EAD (Encoded Archival Description) SGML DTDs. Since 1998, Dr. Piez has worked at Mulberry Technologies Inc., designing and building XML systems both for clients and to support internal processes.
I just wanted to pass on my congratulations on the very professional way the upgrade letter made it easy for me to see all the ways in which Oxygen has improved over the last few versions. I appreciated the reminder of features which I should spend some time exploring. In particular, the DocBook and DITA authoring will help us with our cross-platform help requirements. I continue to be a very happy multi-platform user of Oxygen and recommend it to all my clients and contacts who need to work with XML and particularly XPath or XSLT.
Andy Dent is a freelance designer-developer - C++, C#, Objective-C, Python, REALbasic, Ruby.
My favorite XML editor is becoming scary good. I've been an Oxygen convert for a long time, and every iteration it just seems to get better and better. The Oxygen XML 7.0 Editor has just been released by SyncRO Soft SRL., and it has already reached the stage where I find it very, very difficult to shift back to the older version. Oxygen has been in a continual state of evolution, since I first encountered it as a 3.0 product, and it seems as if even minor upgrades brings significant improvements to the application.
My goal was to produce a user interface that has basic similarities to my current favorite XML editor, Oxygen (https://www.oxygenxml.com/). I had first encountered Oxygen when I was playing around with Eclipse, and soon became enamored of it. You can easily assign schemas or DTDs to XML to get full intellisense functionality, you could customize the XSLT engine so that it could easily use third-party tools such as Saxon (something that was VERY useful for working with XSLT 2.0), it has a first-class debugger, and it is quite reasonably priced ($79, last I checked). Moreover, it integrates cleanly with Oxygen, and is the first XML tool of any quality that works as well in Linux as it does in Windows.
Kurt Cagle's web log
Kurt Cagle is an author, software developer, and business analyst specializing in XML-based technologies. He has written or coauthored sixteen books on XML and web technologies, including SVG Programming and Beginning XML for Wrox (now Wiley). Mr. Cagle is also the editor of The Metaphorical Web, a newsletter on the state of XML in industry, education, and government.
I have just downloaded, installed, and tested the upgrade and I can tell you've made my day! Oxygen is the first graphical schema editor which is at the same time:
Eric is the founder of Dyomedea, a company focused on XML technologies that delivers trainings and consulting. Eric is a well known XML expert, author of the O'Reilly books XML Schema and RELAX NG, member of the ISO DSDL Working Group (http://dsdl.org) and editor of the RSS 1.0 specification. He is the creator and main editor of XMLfr (http://xmlfr.org), the main French speaking website dedicated to XML.
One tool I have grown quite fond of is the Java-based XML editor, Oxygen. I have reviewed this product in the past, and since then it has continued to get better. In addition to being one of the first XML editors to incorporate RELAX NG support, the newest version of Oxygen now includes a nice set of TEI templates. Just select one, and Oxygen creates a document skeleton (and assists you in validation and tag entry as you go along). But most impressive of all, the XSL-FO stylesheets that also come bundled just work. I was able to create a couple of nice looking PDFs out of my TEI tests, without spending hours configuring tool chains and reading obscure HOW-TOs.
IBM developerWorks article - XML Matters: TEI -- the Text Encoding Initiative
David has published hundreds of articles and column installments with IBM developerWorks, Intel Developer Services, Webreview.com, and other publishers. David writes two columns for IBM developerWorks. One on Python topics, called Charming Python and the other is called XML Matter, and is on matters XML. You may find archived versions of all of David's writing at http://gnosis.cx/publish.
Oxygen XML Editor is an editor that enables you to develop everything needed for publishing XML documents. It is a complete platform-independent solution for creating many types of XML documents, validating them, editing schema, generating HTML documentation, converting one XML type to another, and much more.
IT Enquirer is designed and maintained by an experienced IT-journalist and consultant, Erik Vlietinck, an ex-lecturer of IT Law. Erik has over 12 years of experience writing for European IT-magazines, such as Belgian Datanews and EOS Magazine, Dutch Publish, Computable, Windows 2000 Magazine and Wireless Computing Magazine, P/F Kunstbeeld (a professional photographer magazine), and British IT Week, New Media Age, MacFormat, Computer Arts, PC Advisor, and Total Content and Media.
We develop complex XQueries using SAXON, Java code extensions, and Oracle XML DB. Oxygen has given us full debugging and profiling against our data without custom code and data sources. Using it saves days of development effort in every project we undertake. The queries are developed more quickly, run faster, and more reliably as a result. In diagnosis of faults with the live data from our client sites it has also proved invaluable.
The included integrated tools for XPath construction, XML diff, general editing (XML, XQuery, XPath and schemas) add more value and the documentation generation is also a great advantage particularly as we publish our schemas to external parties. Our technical writers even use Oxygen as it has excellent DocBook integration. Support has been first rate offering prompt help, problem diagnosis and resolution, and suggestions for productivity improvements.
In short I have no hesitation in recommending Oxygen to XML developers at all levels for use with all XML technology!
Peter is Technical Director of EnergySys, a world leading software company supplying solutions to the Oil and Gas Industry. His main responsibility in recent years has been for the architecture of the GAMMA framework, an innovative and world-leading XML J2EE framework used in the some of the world's largest Energy Companies. An enterprise software architect by profession and with more than twenty years of experience in design and development he has a real zest for technology and the tools that enhance the productivity of the wider team in developing systems that give clients the competitive edge they need.
I am extremely pleased to tell you that the team I conducted and I are working with documents in XML format. With the increasing popularity of XML, the number of XML editors is growing exponentially and it can be extremely difficult to choose the convenient editor that suits NeuroML users. Considering a long list of criteria, we've chosen Oxygen for many reasons. The Oxygen XML editor is an excellent addition to any professional Web programmer's program suite. It has a very well laid out, aesthetically pleasing GUI, and where certain other programs in this category have an old look, this program has that up-to-date quality!
Odyssee research project
Nader is undergraduate Master student in Odyssee research project at INRIA, Sophia Antipolis (France). He is the creator and main editor of the kraken engine, an automatic-activity generator using a web XML structure devoted to scientific web site's creation. He contributed three other students to the FACETS European project through the realization of the Formalization of the neuro-biological models for spike neurons.
I wanted to drop a note of thanks for your product, Oxygen, and your company. I admire that you offer reduced costs and licenses for companies which are actively engaged in supporting the environment and ecology in varying ways. My wife and I just moved to Dallas, and they do not do curb-side recycling, so we chose Green Mountain as our electricity provider, a company which provides 100% renewable resource energy. So, I choose and appreciate companies with similar interests. I learned about Oxygen through my new employer, Innodata-Isogen. We use Oxygen for a great deal of XML work. I have used Altova's XML Spy up to this point, but really enjoy the features Oxygen provides and the lower cost, as well as the focus on our planet. I just purchased a license for the personal version + 1 year of maintenance, and glad to do it!
Michael Friedman is interested in all things publishing and technology-related. His current favorite topic is automated publishing using XML and associated technologies. Specifically, he's working on exploring moving from layout-based publishing systems to standards-based systems from a visual design and technology perspective. When not pursuing such concepts, he is an advocate of space exploration, nature conservation, and innovation in general. Michael works as a Design Analyst for Innodata-Isogen, Inc.
I've been using XSLT a lot in the last year. There are several things I like about it. Insanely good documentation leads the list, closely followed by excellent tool support (I use the Oxygen XML / XSLT / schema editor.)
Paul is the founder of Zope Europe Association and serves as the Product Leader, defining the strategy, offerings, and marketing for ZEA. Paul is board member of OSCOM (the international association for Open Source Content Management) and is the executive director of the Plone Foundation, which started activities in June 2004. Paul also serves as the president of Zope UK. He participates actively in international conferences promoting open source and CMS, including keynote presentations and publicity.
Oxygen starts what will (I predict) become a trend - especially in document-centric XML (and you know in your heart that all XML should be document-centric don't you :-)
An XML editor with RelaxNG support
Sean is co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Propylon. He's responsible for the technical description of the company and providing the technical leadership to the Propylon team. He also heads up the research arm of Propylon specialising in the eContent and publishing areas of Propylon's operation. Sean is an industry-recognised XML expert. He has acted as a strategic advisor to blue-chip corporations such as the Thomson Group and KPMG and public-sector government agencies such as Reach the Irish Public Services Broker. He has served as an invited expert on W3C committees and as a main speaker at numerous worldwide XML events. Sean was previously co-founder of Digitome, where he built a very successful electronic publishing company, with a strong client-base.