Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
Specifically designed for application developers and integrators
Pricing and licensing for businesses, Academic and individuals
SVN Client/Mac OS X/Java Update 1.6.0_31: A task(commit, update, refresh, etc) could sometimes fail with an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Mac OS X: Resolved a critical issue that prevented the application from starting with Java SE 6 Update 27(1.6.0_27).
A DITA map could not be saved from the DITA Maps view through WebDAV.
The change tracking markers of some modifications were not saved correctly in Author mode. The effect was not displaying the modifications with change tracking highlights.
Unattended upgrade canceled itself.
On Linux a new file could not be saved to disk due to an error that stopped the save operation before completion.
The Windows zip kit includes now an unpacked JRE for avoiding an error that was reported when unzipping the kit in the Program Files folder on Windows Vista / 7.
Inserting an XML element using the Elements view in Author editor also inserted a wrong attribute xmlns="".
Switching between projects with validation scenarios did not refresh the list of validation scenarios.
When creating a new XML document based on an XML Schema if there was an error in the specified schema an error dialog was reported in an infinite loop.
When editing an XSLT stylesheet the content completion window did not use the correct namespace prefix for named templates having a name from a namespace.
Editing was very slow when the cursor was placed on an attribute with thousands of values and the Attributes view was visible.
XML fragments deleted with change tracking enabled from included files (XInclude, conref) no longer appear in the read-only reference when editing the main file in the Author editor .
The mimetype of an EPUB book file was not stored correctly when the book file was modified and saved in Oxygen.
Added a check for making sure that the user preferences are loaded always from the correct disk location when the Eclipse plugin is initialized.
The MathFlow equation editor could not edit mathematical equations when the XML document containing the equation declared DTD internal entities in a DOCTYPE declaration.
Fixed a URL correction problem in WebDAV URLs used for browsing WebDAV collections in the Data Source Explorer view.
Fixed an error "Timer already cancelled" that was reported when opening a DITA map from the DITA Maps Manager view in the Text editor.
Fixed the escaping algorithm that made the authentication failed for the FTP and WebDAV data sources based on URLs containing a user name or a password with escapable characters.
Fixed a save / serialize error in Author mode that was reported when the text that precedes the DOCTYPE declaration was modified by editing.
On Mac OS X the user interface of Eclipse was blocked when trying to edit in the transformation scenario the value of an option declared in an XProc script.
Removed annoying tooltip displayed for the selected text.
The XML catalogs were not used for resolving the URL of a schema specified when creating a new XML document.
Editing a file from an archive opened in the Archive Browser view was truncated sometimes to zero size.
XPath selectors containing the '|' operator used in an XML Schema were not evaluated correctly sometimes when validating XML documents against the schema.
Display a proper warning dialog when Oxygen is started in the OpenJDK Java virtual machine (usually on Linux machines) because this JVM is not supported.
Fixed a NullPointerException that was reported on a sorting action in Grid editor.
The second instance of Diff Files tool did not warn the user that the file changes were not saved when re-using the window of the first instance of the tool.
DITA transformations did not work if the source files for the DITA map and topics were in a folder with space characters in its path.
The Hunspell spell checker marked words with apostrophe like "aren't" as errors.
Fixed a NullPointerException that happened while editing some attributes in Attribute view.
Set an option for Find/Replace in Files to false by default for avoiding OutOfMemory errors for repeated searches.
Fixed an IndexOutOfBoundsException happening while executing replace operations with XPath expressions using the Find/Replace dialog.
In the Find/Replace dialog, if the "XML search options" were enabled but with no components selected, no search was executed.
Sometimes the application did not start due to a org.w3c.dom.DOMException error, caused by some associations between XML and XSLT files.
DITA transformations did not work if the source files for the DITA map and topics were in a folder with a space character in the file path.
The supported versions and vendors of the Java virtual machine are checked correctly now including Open JDK virtual machine on Linux.
The contextual menu did not appear sometimes in the XSLT editor in Eclipse 3.3.
Rename or delete on one or more XML tags in Text editing mode changes only the matching tags of the edited tags.
Fixed content completion problem in Text editing mode: an existing closing tag was renamed to match an opening tag with different name inserted before the closing tag.
Fixed a ClassCastException that happened when converting a schema with the Trang converter.
Fixed a problem of disabled menus on Mac OS X after startup. When a large file was opened automatically at startup the menus remained disabled after the progress dialog finished and was removed from screen.
Fixed a NullPointerException when a custom schema was set in Preferences for content completion in XSLT stylesheets. Also editing in the XSLT editor was slow in the same situation.
Fixed a NullPointerException in Attributes view when Mac accessibility support was enabled due to opening the Help menu.
Fixed a regression in content completion in XML documents: the closing tag was not inserted when an element name was selected in the content completion window.
Fixed a NullPointerException that appeared in some cases in the XML output view that displayed the results of an XSLT transformation.
Fixed crash in Eclipse on Ubuntu Linux that happened when the Hunspell spell checker was used.
Fixed display bug in Text editing mode for tokens with bold or italic style. The token style that was changed in user preferences was not stored correctly for the next restart of the application.
Enabled the Hunspell spell checker also for the Eclipse plugin distribution of Oxygen XML Author.
Fixed a deadlock that happened when the Oxygen Eclipse plugin was installed in ZendStudio.
The bold style of some XQuery tokens used in the XQuery editor could not be reset.
Deleting an element with the change tracking support in Author editing mode and rejecting the change added an empty namespace declaration to the restored element.
Fixed an error on editing a large annotation of an XML Schema element in the Schema Design editor.
Disabled the Hunspell spell checker in the Eclipse plugin due to crashes on Linux machines until a platform independent version of Hunspell will be integrated.
Fixed a deadlock that was triggered by an edit action in Author mode followed by a Find in Files action.
The syntax highlight colors set in a previous version for XML prefixes in Preferences -> Editor/Colors were not preserved when the user preferences of the previous version were automatically imported in version 11.2.
Fixed a problem related with saving after inserting an XML element in Author mode that follows an area marked as deleted with change tracking.
Fixed an invalid thread access error that happened when the Oxygen Eclipse plugin was initialized on the MyEclipse 8.0 platform.
The plugin.dtd for Text mode plugins was updated for the new plugin types added in version 11.2: the Open Redirect type and the Workspace Access type.
The Improvement Program dialog did not preserve the previous state when the user selected the option remind later.
In Text editing mode the end tag was not deleted automatically when the start tag together with the next line separator were deleted manually.
The diff algorithm applied in SVN Client considered that two lines are equal when one line ended with the \n character while the other one was the last line of the document and did not end with a \n character.
Print Preview failed with a NPE.
Fixed a problem related with editing in change tracking areas marked as deleted.
Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException related with the list of associations for transformation scenarios.
The initial build of <oXygen/> version 11.2.
The URL field disappeared from the dialog for inserting a cross reference when the dialog was used in Author mode.
An XML fragment that contains elements from a declared namespace was marked invalid when it is inserted in Text mode but in fact it is valid at the insertion place.
Double click on an attribute value in Attributes view issued an error of display. The same display error was issued when editing an attribute in Schema page.
The Diff Files application sometimes blocked at startup.
When working with scenario associations sometimes a NullPointerException removed the association between a document URL and a transformation scenario.
The JSPX file type was registered as a supported file type in Eclipse plugin. Now it is not registered anymore.
Read only files were modified by Replace in Files. Now they are skipped and a warning is reported.
Fixed a NulPointerException in Find/Replace in Files action when XML filters are enabled.
Fixed a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Find/Replace in Files action when XPath filter is enabled.
Fixed incorrect match of CSS styles on XML attributes when the XML element containing the attribute has a non-empty default namespace..
Increase the limit for maximum Java memory to 512 MB on Mac OS X.
Bug fix: in the Eclipse plugin drag and drop with selected text in the Text mode of XQuery editor or XSL editor doubled the drop text .
Now the cursor is placed at correct location after inserting an XQuery function in the XQuery editor using Content Completion Assistant.
Fixed an error in the proximity strategy of the paste operation in Author mode. Now when the paste location is at the right of an element the pasted text is inserted correctly inside the element, that is at the end of the text contained in that element.
Fixed syntax highlight error in DTD editor.
Fixed a paint error in the DITA Maps Manager view on the Linux platform.
Fix the behavior of right click on the Mac and Linux platforms: now a right click in an editor panel does not cancel the current text selection.
Fix the behavior of click with the mouse wheel on the Linux platform: do a paste operation instead of starting an automatic scroll.
Solved a problem that blocked the Oxygen startup if one of files that were automatically reopened referred a very large RelaxNG Schema.
Disabled the middle click scrolling on Linux because it interfered with the default paste action on middle click.
Fixed some problems limiting the insertion of XML fragments at the desired location using copy/paste or DnD in the visual authoring mode.
The initial build of <oXygen/> version 11.1.
Corrected the aspect of the side views headers and toolbars. There was a problem when running Oxygen on Mac OS X Snow Leopard with Java 1.6 Update 1.
Fixed unpredictable behavior of associate transformation scenario action on a folder in Eclipse plugin.
Fixed Windows XP crashes caused by opening the result of a transformation with the default system application for that file type.
Different types of license for the MathFlow editor component are applied correctly for editing MathML formulas in Author mode.
The associations between files and transformation scenarios did not work correctly in some cases.
Fix user authentication data being displayed in 'Results Panel'.
Fix 'Format and indent' issues with Javascript embedded in XHTML.
Fix for the schema aware schematron validation.
The default configuration for libxml validation was corrected. The extra whitespaces from the executable path are now trimmed for all external processors. The problem prevented the Mac OS X users to run libxml.
There was a limitation in applying XSLT transformation from Author extensions. Saxon EE can be used now.
An XSLT variable that was initialized using the concat() function in an XSLT stylesheet that was executed with Saxon 9 had a sequence of strings value instead of atomic string value.
Fix generation of required elements based on Relax NG when the schema contains choice between elements and attributes.
Save XML catalogs correctly at project level when the default XML catalog is also used.
Removed dependency of class ro.sync.ecss.dita.DITAUtil that generated an error when a conref to wrong content is used in a DITA file. Report the wrong conref content with a more suggestive error message in Author mode.
The XSLT documentation tool resolves the URIs of imported stylesheets using XML catalogs.
The initial build of <oXygen/> version 11.0.