Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
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Author/DITA: "Insert Content Reference" can now be used in a DITA topic to insert a reference from a DITA map and vice versa.
Author/Highlights: Fixed a potential memory leak when using colored highlights in Author mode.
Validation: Limited the memory used when an extreme amount of errors is reported during validation.
XSLT Debugger: Stopping at a breakpoint could alter the result of the transformation.
XSLT Debugger: Breakpoints were not visible on the editor stripe bar after restarting the application.
WebHelp: Clicking on a link that contains an anchor did not pinpoint the correct location from the page.
OS X/Java SE 8: Updated the bundled Java runtime from the .tar.gz distribution to Java SE 8u40 to avoid a known Java 8 issue, "ComboBox control consumes the Esc and Enter keys.".
OS X: Fixed a potential memory leak.
Eclipse plugin: The Symbols toolbar was missing from the Oxygen XML Author and Oxygen XML Developer plugins.
Document Types/Frameworks: Restored backward compatibility with Java extensions developed for older versions (Fixed java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: DEFAULT_WIDTH_REPRESENTATION).
Huge files: The huge file mode did not correctly handle documents with the UTF-16 encoding.
Author Outline/Content Completion: Content completion actions configured in the 'Document type' (Author > 'Content Completion' section) did not appear in the 'Insert before/after' and 'Append child' actions from the Outline view.
Save on exit: When exiting the application the dialog prompting you to save modified files did not correctly report read-only files.
XPath toolbar/builder: Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur when using the namespace axis.
WebHelp: After searching and clicking on a search result the navigation links (Next/Previous Topic) no longer appeared.
Eclipse/Validation results: If a resource from outside the Eclipse workspace was validated and it had errors, the last error locations remained highlighted even after they were corrected.
Eclipse views: The Review view appeared twice in the list of views (Window > Show View).
Eclipse API: Added API "com.oxygenxml.editor.editors.EditorAdapterContributor" for providing adapters for XML editors.
Open URL: The combo box from the File > 'Open URL' dialog did not retain the usage history between sessions.
Project/Master Files: Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException that could occur when loading a project with the master files support enabled.
XSL Editor: Fixed a NullPointerException that always appeared when the cursor was positioned inside a saxon:assign element.
Editor variables: Further improved the parsing of the parameters of the ${ask} editor variable.
Document Types: Improved compatibility of extended document types across different versions.
Author/PDF images: Images rendered using Apache PDFBox are now crisper.
Author/DITA: When inserting a content reference from a remote repository into a local document, the authentication information of the remote repository was inserted in the document.
DITA/Validation: A 'fragref' element without 'href' and 'keyref' attributes is no longer reported as an error.
SharePoint: Fixed a NullPointerException that could appear in the 'SharePoint Browser' view.
Eclipse: The language pack did not work correctly.
Eclipse/Author API: Added IDs to better identify actions in the Author pop-up menu.
Eclipse/Author API: WSDITAMapEditorPage.getDocumentController() was not properly implemented for Eclipse and always returned null.
Author component: Fixed a NullPointerException that could prevent applet initialization.
Oxygen SDK Samples: Implemented a new Oxygen sample plugin to showcase local file locking.
Author: The keyboard shortcuts that were assigned for Author actions (defined in document types) were lost.
Author: Avoided a ConcurrentModificationException error when working in the Author mode with form controls and ID attribute values.
Author/Callouts: Avoided an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that could happen when opening a document with callouts.
Author/Find All Elements: Fixed a NullPointerException that occurred when searching a non-existent element.
Author/DITA: A DITA table row, which made a conref to another table row, could not be deleted via the Table > 'Delete Row' action, or by selecting it and pressing the Delete or Backspace key.
DITA Maps Manager: Avoided a NullPointerException that could happen when opening a map with DITA 1.2 keys.
XSLT Debugger: During a debugging session, the Context view was cleared immediately after being updated when 'Step into' or 'Run to Cursor' were used.
XSL/Documentation: Fixed dead links from the XSL documentation tooltips.
Editor variables: The parameters of the ${ask} editor variable were not parsed correctly if there were line breaks between them.
Editor variables / ANT/DITA-OT transformations: If editor variables, other than ${ask}, were used as parameters of an ANT or DITA-OT transformation scenario, a misleading error mentioning the ${ask} editor variable was reported.
WebHelp with Feedback: The WebHelp installer failed if foreign folders (e.g. '.svn') were found in 'oxygen-webhelp/resources/php/templates'.
WebHelp with Feedback: Fixed broken links that appeared in the automatic notification emails.
Database/eXist: Improved the accuracy of line and column information, detected in error messages for results of eXist 2.x operations.
Eclipse: The syntax highlight preview panel from Preferences > oXygen > Editor > Syntax Highlight did not work correctly.
Eclipse/Text mode: Fixed a NullPointerException that could prevent the contextual menu from appearing in Text mode.
Eclipse/DITA transformations: When duplicating a built-in DITA transformation scenario the ${frameworkDir} editor variable from the 'dita.dir' parameter of the transformation was expanded instead of being preserved.
Eclipse/DITA to PDF transformation: Fixed an insignificant ClassNotFoundException that appeared in the output log when the parameter 'fix.external.refs.com.oxygenxml' was set to 'true'.
Eclipse/DITA Maps Manager: Added more IDs on the DITA Maps Manager contextual menu items so that they can be more easily customized by a third party.
Eclipse/DITA Maps Manager: When dragging and dropping a DITA map in the DITA Maps Manager, if the CTRL key is pressed, a link pointing to that map will be created when it is dropped. Otherwise, the map will be opened in the DITA Maps Manager view.
The initial build of <oXygen/> version 16.1.
DITA/DocBook to WebHelp: Fixed a regression introduced in build 2014070718 that caused the DITA/DocBook to WebHelp transformations to ignore the picked skin.
Project/Validate with Schema: Fixed a memory leak that affected the 'Validate with Schema' operation when used with a Schematron schema.
XSLT Debugger/Saxon 9: Avoided 'XTDE0640: Circular dependency among global variables' error when debugging step-by-step.
Diff/Compare Directories: The Diff/Compare Directories tool still reported some whitespace differences in the file contents even though the option 'Ignore whitespaces' was enabled.
XPath/XQuery Builder: The prefix namespace mappings from the Preferences (XML > XSLT-FO-XQuery > XPath) were not taken under consideration when an execution scope that spanned over multiple files was used.
Preferences: When switching a preferences panel from 'Project Options' to 'Global Options', after restarting the application the preferences panel was still loaded from 'Project Options'.
Ant Editor/Validation: When an old version of Ant (1.8.x or earlier) was configured in the Ant preferences page (Preferences, XML > Ant), a 'NoSuchMethodError' was reported when opening/validating an Ant build file.
Ant Editor/Validation: Ant properties are now evaluated when validating.
Author/DITA Maps: The 'Insert Content Reference' action could no longer be used for DITA maps (no IDs were listed).
DITA Maps Manager / Profiling/Conditional Text: The DITA Maps Manager tree would sometimes break (blank nodes) when the 'Show Excluded Content' option was disabled and the tree was filtered.
Eclipse/DITA Maps Manager / Profiling/Conditional Text: When the 'Show Excluded Content' option was disabled, filtered content was sometimes still shown (grayed-out).
Eclipse/DITA Maps Manager / Profiling/Conditional Text: The text decorations configured in the 'Edit Profiling Style' dialog were not used in the Outline and the 'DITA Maps Manager' views.
DITA-OT/XHTML output: Include figure title (figtitle) and figure description (figdesc) in the same paragraph (p) element.
DITA/WebHelp Mobile: Do not add 'span' in 'head/title'.
DITA/WebHelp Mobile: The attributes from elements within the table element were dropped in the output.
XSLT/Saxon-CE: When validating an XSLT stylesheet, the ixsl:call() extension function was incorrectly reported as erroneous when used with 2 arguments.
Critical: Startup/Windows/Proxy: If both 'Use automatic configuration script' and 'Proxy server' settings were configured in the Windows 'Internet Options', the application hanged at startup for more than 10 minutes.
Text mode/Automatic rename matching tag: Fixed a graphical glitch that was visible in the end tag after the element name was removed from the start tag.
Quick Find: It was no longer possible to move the cursor with the arrow keys in the Quick Find field.
Author/Tables: The document was modified inappropriately when resizing columns in an HTML table.
Schematron: The option 'Use Saxon EE (schema aware) for xslt2 query binding' from (XML > XML Parser > Schematron) no longer had any effect.
Ant Editor: Resolved a few problems with the identification of target references.
Ant Editor: When the application was started in a folder different than the installation folder, an 'Ant library is missing.' error was reported when validating ANT build files.
Author API: It was not possible to define highlights of a single character in length.
Eclipse API: The Oxygen Eclipse plugin extension API "com.oxygenxml.editor.editors.CustomEditorInputCreator" was not called for links to local resources.
WebHelp with Feedback: Labels that make use of JavaScript code (such as the ones from the 'Log in' pop-up) did not appear.
WebHelp: Some Unicode characters appeared garbled in the table of contents (TOC).
XSLT/Saxon CE: When validating an XSLT stylesheet, Saxon-CE extension functions from the 'http://saxonica.com/ns/globalJS' namespace were not recognized.
SDK/API: Automatic tests based on ro.sync.exml.workspace.api.PluginWorkspaceTCBase were blocked by a confirmation dialog.
The initial build of <oXygen/> version 16.0.