Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
Specifically designed for application developers and integrators
Pricing and licensing for businesses, Academic and individuals
Framework Extension Script: Fixed an issue where external Author actions from the base framework were not imported in the extension.
XML/Validation: Fixed an issue where erroneous errors were reported that IDs were not unique when XML files contained ID attributes or element content.
DITA/Editing: Fixed an issue where the icons and drop-down menu of the "note" element were presented for the "hazardstatement" element.
DITA/Editing: Fixed an issue where notes previewed in the Reuse Content dialog box were presented incorrectly.
DITA Reusable Components: Fixed an issue where reusable components detected in warehouse topics were not presented in the DITA Reusables Components view.
WebHelp/Core: Fixed an issue where the copy action for a codeblock element in a topic page did not work.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Text Layout: Fixed an issue where CJK texts that were combined with other texts had baseline alignment issues when a fallback font was used.
DITA to Zendesk Publishing: Updated the netty-transport library to version 4.1.86 to avoid CVE-2022-41881 that could happen during the publishing and uploading of DITA topics to the Zendesk Help Center.
DITA-OT publishing: Fixed an issue where the root DITA map content was overwritten when a DITA topic was published to PDF in the context of the root DITA map using the CSS-based engine.
DITA to PDF - based on XSL-FO: Fixed an issue where the DITA <note> icons were missing from the PDF output.
Author: Fixed a serialization issue where whitespaces disappeared from the saved XML content when comments were added over content that ends with whitespaces.
Author/DITA: Fixed an issue where Markdown documents were not converted to DITA when references to these types of files were inserted in DITA content.
DITA/Smart Paste: Fixed an issue where the application stopped responding when smart-pasting an HTML fragment that contains an empty table (without rows) into a DITA document.
DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue while publishing DITA to PDF where DITA topics that contained PDF images failed when an older DITA-OT installation folder that was configured externally was used.
XProc/XML Calabash: Fixed an error ("Resolver for unparsed-text() returned unrecognized Source (javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource)") regarding the Catalog Resolver used in Calabash that happened when unparsed-text() was used in an XSL used in a pipeline.
DITA to PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS: Fixed some CSS rules that were hiding the Task context element when it contained change tracking elements or other empty elements.
Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Jackson Databind (jackson-databind) library to version
Security/Component Update/SVG support: Updated the Batik library to version 1.16 to avoid vulnerabilities CVE-2022-41704 and CVE-2022-42890.
Author/Content Completion: Fixed an issue where content completion proposals where sometimes not properly computed when "xi:include"'ed content was presented.
Author/XInclude: Fixed a NullPointerException error that happened when expanding <xi:include> elements that contain empty <xi:fallback> elements.
DITA/Editing: Fixed an issue where a note with a content reference displayed the note type icon twice.
DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where the "syntaxdiagram" element was not properly rendered in the WebHelp Responsive and PDF-CSS-HTML5 outputs.
XSLT/Validation: Fixed a validation error for XSLT stylesheets when the version is missing.
XSLT/Validation: Fixed an issue where unsaved changes made to XSLT modules that are open in the application were not taken into account when validating the main XSLT files.
XSLT/Debugger: Fixed an internal error ("Internal error evaluating template rule") that happened while debugging an XSLT stylesheet that iterates groups.
Content Completion/Saxon: Re-added the following removed Saxon extension functions in the content completion proposals list: saxon:compile-query, saxon:is-defaulted, saxon:key-map, saxon:last-modified, saxon:parse-dateTime, saxon:send-mail, saxon:query, saxon:unparsed-entities.
JSON Diagram: Fixed a back/forward navigation issue in the JSON Diagram that happened when selecting a reference from a different file.
Component Update/XProc: Updated the XML Calabash library to version 1.5.2-110 that solves some errors regarding the integration with the Saxon processor.
XProc/XML Calabash: Solved NullPointerException in commentBuffer. 'Cannot invoke "net.sf.saxon.str.UnicodeString.substring(long, long)" because "this.tree.commentBuffer" is null'.
XProc/XML Calabash: Solved usage problem of Calabash in regard with Oxygen's Catalogs. Resolves the error 'Cannot invoke "org.xmlresolver.Resolver.resolve(String, String)" because "this.catalogResolver" is null'.
WebHelp Responsive: The user is redirected to the "index.html" page when the "cshelp.html" page is accessed directly.
WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where clicking on a link on the main page TOC did not open the corresponding topic.
WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where extra padding was added to the titles of topics.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an issue where margins for blocks inside table cells where discarded.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed a pagination issue caused by how line breaks were handled for space-preserving elements (such as codeblocks) when inside a list.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an error ("getValue() called on AUTO length") that happened when transforming files that contain images with the "height" attribute set.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Added the -oxy-space-before-conditionality and -oxy-space-after-conditionality properties to offer better control for discarding margins.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Security/Component Update: Updated the Apache Batik library to version 1.16.
Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Apache Batik library to version 1.16.
The initial build of Oxygen XML Editor version 25.0.