Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
Specifically designed for application developers and integrators
Pricing and licensing for businesses, Academic and individuals
Component Update: Updated the Apache Batik library to version 1.17 to avoid the CVE-2022-44729 vulnerability.
Framework Configuration: Fixed an unhandled error that appeared when trying to create an Ant transformation scenario in a framework configuration.
Author/Form Controls: Fixed an issue where the application would sometimes freeze when switching from the Author editing mode to the Text editing mode after using special non-ASCII characters in a text area form control.
DITA PDF - HTML5 and CSS based: Fixed an issue where files referenced using the scope="local" attribute were not copied to the output folder.
Eclipse Plugin: Fixed a NullPointerException error that appeared when closing editors while on the Author page.
Eclipse/Floating Toolbar: Fixed an issue where runtime errors were presented in the error log of some older versions of Eclipse when the floating toolbar was hidden while in the Author editing mode.
Eclipse plugin/Author mode: The floating toolbar is no longer presented by default in the Author editing mode because it sometimes caused various issues while editing in older versions of Eclipse.
DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where the HTML-based publishing sometimes worked incorrectly when the "force-unique" parameter was enabled and chunking was used at the same time.
Files Comparison: Fixed an issue where various errors where not handled when comparing XML files that contained specific types of changes.
Author: Added a new parameter named escapeEntityRefs to the TransformOperation Author operation to control if entity references are escaped as plain text in the processed content.
Author/Form Controls: Fixed an issue where the application would freeze when using a text area form control configured in CSS to render content in the Author mode and the edited content contained special Unicode combining characters.
DITA/Keys: Fixed an issue where peer map keys that reference non-DITA resources were mistakenly presented in the Keys and Media tabs of the DITA Reusable Components view.
DITA/Subject Scheme Maps: Fixed various issues where subject scheme maps were not properly used to impose profiling attribute values independently in different key scope contexts.
DITA Links: Fixed an issue where link text sometimes was not resolved correctly when key references to elements that had titles were used.
DITA to PDF based on HTML5 & CSS: Removed the Index from the Table of Content when transforming DITA bookmaps that contain empty <indexlist> elements.
API/DITA: Fixed an issue where the DITAAccess.exportDITAMap() API method used to export a DITA map did not work properly when the DITA map URL contained a query.
Schematron API Extensions: The DITAXSLTExtensionFunctionUtil API method, which can be used from a Schematron to find out information about a keyref, can now also be called with key references that have an element ID.
Security/Component Update: Updated the Jackson JSON libraries to version 2.15.0.
Security/Component Update: Updated the SnakeYAML library to version 1.33.
Security/Component Update: Updated the Guava library to version 32.0.1.
Security/Component Update: Updated the HtmlCleaner library to version 2.29.
Eclipse Plugin/Compare: Fixed an issue where the "Ignore nodes by XPath" option was ignored when comparing files using XML-related algorithms.
WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where the Kuromoji library was not copied to the output folder when the language was set to "ja".
WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where the zoom widget did not appear for images that were loaded after the corresponding JavaScript script was loaded.
Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the JTidy library to version 1.0.4 to avoid the CVE-2023-34623 vulnerability.
Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Guava library to version 32.0.1.
Oxygen Publishing Engine/Security/Component Update: Updated the Netty library used for the DITA XML to Zendesk publishing to version 4.1.94.Final.
Oxygen Publishing Engine/DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where, when publishing a DITA map that contained topics using the " " character entity, only the first topic was parsed, while the remaining such topics were not parsed at all.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Security/Component Update: Updated the HtmlCleaner library to version 2.29.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry/PDF/Change Tracking: Fixed an issue where transformations to PDF were stopped when change-bars were added in the PDF.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry/PDF/Right-to-Left Writing: Fixed an issue where multi-column text and page headers/footers were incorrectly displayed using left-to-right writing.
Oxygen PDF Chemistry/PDF Links: Fixed an issue where "Unresolved ID reference" warnings were no longer presented for internal links that could not be resolved within the PDF.
API: Fixed an issue where the method that creates a process named WorkspaceUtilities.createProcess did not properly delegate system error and output events to process listeners.
Scripting: Fixed an issue where relative file paths passed as arguments to the scripts that are ran from the Oxygen distribution for all platforms were interpreted as relative to the Oxygen folder, not to the folder where the scripts were run.
DITA Publishing: When publishing DITA XML content from Oxygen using the "fix.external.refs.com.oxygenxml" parameter, the created output folder structure follows more closely the input DITA Map's folder structure.
DITA Publishing: DITA References are now grouped together with Concepts, Topics and Tasks in the Related Information section, when the args.rellinks.group.mode parameter is set to single-group).
WebHelp Responsive / Publication TOC references: Fixed an issue where topic links from the publication's table of contents or menu were always opened in a new tab, even if the "scope" attribute was set to "external".
WebHelp Responsive: Removed inline <script> elements from all WebHelp pages.
WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where the Oxygen Feedback Comments component was not loaded on the WebHelp pages.
WebHelp Responsive / Image Map: Fixed an issue where areas were not positioned correctly on published <imagemap> elements.
The initial build of Oxygen XML Editor version 25.1.