New Licenses

Buy Oxygen XML Editor Academic Classroom Licenses

The classroom license can be used for courses, seminars or other non-commercial classroom teaching educational services.

The academic eligibility conditions are listed here: This license can be used by all the students of a course/seminar at the same time (up to 25 computers in the same physical Classroom).


Buy once run everywhere. You can use one license to run Oxygen XML Editor on any supported platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, Eclipse, etc.
  • Includes the 1st year of Support & Maintenance Pack;
  • The students can use this license for their assignments/homework too;

Read the Classroom End User License Agreement

Special offer for colleges and universities

Oxygen XML Editor v27 Academic Classroom with 1 year Support & Maintenance Pack(SMP)
Product ID: 2Checkout #393475; SyncroSoft #oxy-amclass
Oxygen XML Editor v27 Academic Classroom with 2 years Support & Maintenance Pack(SMP)
Product ID: 2Checkout #4617264; SyncroSoft #oxy-amclass2

Note: The software delivery is electronic only (ESD).