Build History of Oxygen Content Fusion Releases

Build ID: 2023122005

Wed, 10 January 2024 10:00:00 GMT

Content Fusion:

  • Fixed an issue where the Content Fusion startup script would time out.

Component Updates:

  • Updated the Logback library to version 1.2.12.


  • Fixed a bug where the backup creation process would fail to delete temporary files.


  • Fixed an issue where the available disk space was quickly filled by temporary files.

Task and Project Sharing:

  • Fixed a performance issue where inviting a collaborator on a task or a member on a project would take an excessive amount of time.

Build ID: 2023112212

Fri, 22 November 2023 10:00:00 GMT

Administration page:

  • Fixed an issue on Firefox that would make the informational question marks misaligned with the corresponding text.

Concurrent Editing:

  • Fixed an issue where the collaborators of a task that had the concurrent editing enabled did not receive notifications when a task file was modified.


  • Fixed an issue where the uninstaller would sometimes leave some files on disk.

Task sharing:

  • Fixed an issue where the task sharing dialog would not open automatically sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where tasks in the 'Assigned to me' list were not ordered correctly.

Build ID: 2023110109

Wed, 1 November 2023 10:00:00 GMT

What's New in
Oxygen Content Fusion 7.0

July 10, 2024

Content Fusion 7.0 introduces a personal authoring workspace to boost productivity. It also supports publishing connectors for continuous deployment of output.

Learn more