VideosIntroducing the Oxygen Feedback Comment Management Platform


Duration: 12:01
Introducing the Oxygen Feedback Comment Management Platform


00:00:06The purpose of this video is to present the new Oxygen Feedback comment management system,
00:00:12show you how fast and simple it is to add it to your online WebHelp documentation, and
00:00:17provide information about its various features.
00:00:21Oxygen Feedback is a comment management platform that can be embedded in WebHelp Responsive
00:00:26output or any HTML-based website.
00:00:29It provides easy interaction with your community, for example it enables them to ask questions
00:00:35and receive timely answers, it has a modern, stylish appearance that looks
00:00:40great on any website, it has numerous useful features for both Commenters and Administrators,
00:00:47and its user-friendly admin interface makes it very easy to integrate, manage, and configure.
00:00:55The first thing I want to show you is how easy it is to add Oxygen Feedback to your
00:01:00WebHelp documentation.
00:01:02The first thing I need to do is log in to the administration interface.
00:01:08If this was my first time using it, I would need to sign up first, but I've already created
00:01:13an account.
00:01:14This takes me to the “Sites” page.
00:01:17This is where you create and manage site configurations.
00:01:21I will click the “Add site” button to create a new site configuration.
00:01:26This initiates a 3 step wizard...
00:01:29The 1st step is the “Settings” page, where I need to enter a name... and a description.
00:01:40I can also add a logo for this particular configuration by clicking the camera symbol
00:01:43in this circle and selecting my image file.
00:01:48I will keep the comment moderation option enabled so that I can show you the moderation
00:01:53features later on.
00:01:55After clicking the “Continue” button, I move on to the 2nd step,
00:01:59the “Initial Version” page.
00:02:02You can change the starting version if you want, but I'm going to leave it as “1.0”,
00:02:08and I need to enter the base URL where my WebHelp output is published.
00:02:14And, the 3rd step of the wizard is the “Installation” page.
00:02:19There are 3 options:
00:02:21If I were to generate the WebHelp documentation using a command-line script, I would select
00:02:27the Oxygen XML WebHelp option.
00:02:31If I wanted to add the comment system in any HTML-based webpage, I would select the “Any
00:02:38Plaform” option.
00:02:40In my case, I'm going to add the comment system in WebHelp output that will be generated through
00:02:44a transformation scenario in Oxygen XML Editor.
00:02:49As you can see, instructions are displayed for each particular option.
00:02:54I'll open Oxygen XML Editor and have it side-by-side with the browser so I can see the instructions.
00:03:00I need to configure a new transformation scenario,
00:03:09and in the Feedback tab, I'll click “Edit”,
00:03:14I'll copy the fragment that was generated, and back in Oxygen, I'll paste it, Save, and
00:03:22apply the transformation...
00:03:31Now if I go to the WebHelp output and open a topic, you can see that Oxygen Feedback
00:03:37is now embedded at the bottom of the page.
00:03:41Next, I'll show you a quick preview of some of the features your users have available
00:03:46once the comment system is embedded in the output.
00:03:54After logging in as a user, I can add a new comment...
00:04:06Or, reply to an existing comment.
00:04:11I can style the text using toolbar buttons that are based upon Markdown syntax.
00:04:17I can also manually type Markdown syntax and there's a preview area at the bottom of the
00:04:23comment box where you can see how it will look.
00:04:27If I click on the drop-down menu next to my user name, I can access my profile.
00:04:34Here, I can edit details such as the name or avatar, or I can change my password.
00:04:40I can also go to the “Notifications” tab to specify which types of events will trigger
00:04:45an email notification.
00:04:53Now I'll show you how efficient it is to moderate comments.
00:04:57Back in the output, I will log in as an admin.
00:05:03Remember that I chose to keep the comment moderation option enabled so new comments
00:05:08need to be approved if they are to be displayed for all users.
00:05:13There are several ways to moderate comments.
00:05:15One way is to approve or reject the comments directly in the output like I just did with
00:05:20one of the new comments.
00:05:21I can also do this from the administration interface.
00:05:25There's also a shortcut in the output for reaching the admin interface and that is by
00:05:29selecting “Home” from the user name drop-down menu.
00:05:34If I click the tile for my site configuration, I am taken directly to the “Comments”
00:05:39page where I have various moderation options.
00:05:43I can filter comments based upon their status using the buttons at the top, I can filter
00:05:49them by version or time.
00:05:51I can even search for particular content or a particular user.
00:05:57And of course, I can accept or reject new comments directly from this page.
00:06:11Now I'll shows you some of the other features in the administration interface and how easy
00:06:15it is to configure and manage.
00:06:17First, I'll go to the “Community” page.
00:06:20It displays the members of the site management team as well as all users who have posted
00:06:25a comment on the website where the Feedback system is installed for this particular site configuration.
00:06:30And, since I'm logged in as a member of the management team, I can change the role for existing users.
00:06:43Next, I'll go to the “General Settings” page.
00:06:47Here I could edit details for this particular site configuration, such as the name, description,
00:06:53logo, and other options.
00:07:00Next, I'll go to the “Versions” page.
00:07:02This is where you can manage the versions for a particular site configuration.
00:07:07This is especially helpful if you have multiple versions of your output.
00:07:12I can add a new version …
00:07:16I can can click the “Edit” button for an existing version
00:07:19to change its details … and I can then click the “Installation” button to re-deploy
00:07:28that version for the particular site configuration.
00:07:31The last page to show you is the Management Team page.
00:07:35This is where you can define the management team, the users who will have an admin or moderator role.
00:07:43Notice that there's also an “Owner” role.
00:07:45That is automatically assigned to the user who created that particular site configuration.
00:07:51To add a user to the management team, I'll enter their email address, choose their role,
00:07:58and click “Add”.
00:08:01Notice that the user has been added but they are in a pending state, waiting for them to
00:08:05confirm the change.
00:08:08Finally, here are a list of some of the features that are coming soon.
00:08:13A new view will be available in Oxygen XML Editor or Author where you can see all the
00:08:18comments added in the WebHelp documentation.
00:08:22You will be able to send comment moderation and administration events to your Slack channels.
00:08:30Your users will be able to add comments after certain block elements (for example, a paragraph,
00:08:36list, or table) without having to scroll to the comments area at bottom of the page.
00:08:41I hope this presentation was helpful and as
00:08:44always, thank you for watching.

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