Events • Webinar: Querying and Transforming JSON Documents

Octavian Nadolu

presented by Octavian Nadolu

Wed, February 5, 2025
8:00 AM US Pacific time / 11:00 AM US Eastern time / 5:00 PM Central Europe time
Duration: 1 hour

Unlock the full potential of JSON documents with Oxygen! This live event demonstrates how to efficiently transform JSON into XML, HTML, or other formats using powerful XSLT and XQuery processing tools. Dive into advanced techniques for querying JSON data effectively with XPath expressions or XQuery.

In this session, you will learn from the following topics explored by Octavian Nadolu:

  • JSON Transformation with XSLT: Seamlessly convert JSON documents into various formats.
  • JSON Querying with XQuery: Extract and manipulate JSON data with precision.
  • Batch Processing: Perform transformations and queries on multiple documents directly from your project.
  • XPath for JSON: Leverage XPath expressions for intuitive and efficient JSON querying.

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