Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
Specifically designed for application developers and integrators
Pricing and licensing for businesses, Academic and individuals
The Oxygen XML SDK can be used to integrate the visual Oxygen Author mode in your own Java Swing applications.
You can read more about the Author Component in the Author Component Developer Guide. The starting point for the API is the AuthorComponentFactory.
The Oxygen SDK project module oxygen-sample-swing-compoent contains a sample Author Component integration as a Java Swing component. This module depends on several other modules:
To build and package the application together with all its dependencies, follow the steps described in the README.html file from this project.
The licensing terms and conditions for the Author Component are defined in the Oxygen XML SDK License Agreement.
The right to develop and test applications based on the Author Component and is granted free of charge, subject to registration and terms and conditions of the SDK Agreement. During the development and testing phase, all integrators are allowed to request access to a dedicated Syncro Licensing Server to enable the use of the Author Component inside their application. You can contact to request your custom account. If the integration is for in-house use, an alternative to the Syncro Licensing Server could be the use of your own Oxygen XML floating license servlet (if you already own floating licenses).
For each deployment of an application that integrates Author Component, you are required to pay to Syncro Soft a runtime license fee. Please note that there should be a correspondence between your application licensing model and Author Component licensing model that are the currently available Named and Floating Users
If you want to offer trials of your applications that use Author Component to your prospective customers, the best strategy is configure the Author Component to register with your dedicated account on the Syncro Licensing Server. If this option is not available, you can request for Syncro to offer 30-days trial license keys for each such customer.
If the Application will be used by your company internally (the integration is for in-house use), you will have the option to buy or use already purchased regular Oxygen software licenses that will enable (more than the normal usage conferred by the Oxygen license) the runtime usage of the Author Component as it was integrated into your application.
For further information, read our SDK Licensing page or contact our .