Download Oxygen Content Fusion

  • Content Fusion Enterprise for Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS

  • Version: 7.0
  • Original release date: July 10, 2024
  • Build id: 2024070911   RSS
  • Build date: July 9, 2024
  • Size: 2001.9MB
  • MD5
  • SHA-256


  • To upgrade your current version of Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise, follow the procedures found here.
  • To configure and deploy Oxygen Content Fusion Enterprise, follow the procedure found here.


  • A fresh official Ubuntu 22.04, RHEL 9 or CentOS 9 Virtual Machine
  • Docker Engine Community Edition 20
  • container-selinux version >= 2.95-2.el7_6 for RHEL 9 and CentOS 9
  • iptables needs to be installed
  • Root access to the VM
  • 16 GB of memory on the server
  • 4 virtual CPUs
  • 100GB disk space

What's New in
Oxygen Content Fusion 7.0

July 10, 2024

Content Fusion 7.0 introduces a personal authoring workspace to boost productivity. It also supports publishing connectors for continuous deployment of output.

Learn more