Build History of Oxygen Publishing Engine Releases

Build ID: 2022110402

Fri, 4 Nov 2022 14:00:00 GMT

Security/Component Update: Updated the Apache Batik library to version 1.16.

Build ID: 2022092200

Tue, 23 Sep 2022 8:00:00 GMT

Security/Component Update: Updated the SnakeYAML library to version 1.31.

Oxygen Publishing Engine: Fixed an issue where steps in DITA tasks were duplicated when being inserted while change tracking was active.

DITA to PDF using CSS plugin: Removed a wrong duplicate ID warning presented when a bookmap that contains the "figurelist"/"tablelist" elements was published to PDF with the "show.changes.and.comments" parameter set and the titles of the included "figure"/"table" elements contained tracked changes.

WebHelp Responsive: Updated jQuery UI library to version 1.13.2.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an issue where applying a simulated bold font to an inline content would cause the text after the inline content to also be bold.

Build ID: 2022062023

Tue, 22 Jun 2022 12:00:00 GMT

Oxygen DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where step elements where not rendered correctly in the PDF output.

Oxygen DITA Publishing: Fixed an issue where captions of figures were placed on a new page when they were at the bottom of the figures.

Oxygen DITA Publishing: The @scale attribute is now applied on both <pre> (preformatted) and <equation-figure> elements.

WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where a wide table overflowed the topic content area.

WebHelp Responsive: Fixed an issue where words that start with a special character (@, -, _ etc.) were not indexed by the search engine.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Fixed an issue where an SVG that contains a <linearGradient> element was not rendered in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Removed the NekoHTML library since is not used in the PDF generation process.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry: Removed an "ambiguous rule match" warning message displayed when processing tables that have the -oxy-borders-conditionality extension CSS property set to "retain".

Oxygen PDF Chemistry/Components: Removed the dependency of the NekoHTML library.

Build ID: 2022041502

Wed, 20 April 2022 10:00:00 GMT

Component Update:

  • Updated the Jackson library to version 2.13.2 and the Databind library to version

Oxygen Publishing Engine:

  • Fixed an issue where the DITA height attribute was not taken into account for PDF outputs when it was set on image elements that also had set the placement="break" attribute.
  • Fixed an issue where the DITA change-historylist element no longer allowed the outputclass attribute to be set on it, violating the DITA 1.3 specification.

DITA Editing/Publishing:

  • Fixed an issue where the DITA change-historylist element no longer allowed the outputclass attribute to be set on it, violating the DITA 1.3 specification.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry:

  • Removed the Jackson Databind library to avoid a vulnerability issue.

Build ID: 2022030800

Thu, 10 March 2022 10:00:00 GMT