• 2025

    Version 26.1 - March 25, 2024
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    Version 26.0 - October 11, 2023
  • 25.1
    Version 25.1 - March 16, 2023
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    Version 25.0 - October 13, 2022
  • 24.1
    Version 24.1 - March 7, 2022
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    Version 24.1 - March 7, 2022
    Version 24.0 - October 18, 2021
  • 23.1
    Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
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    Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
    Version 23.0 - November 19, 2020
  • 22.1
    Version 22.1 - May 19, 2020

What's New in Oxygen Publishing Engine 24.1

March 7, 2022

Related version: 24.0    

Oxygen Publishing Engine version 24.1 encompasses the improvements and additions implemented in Oxygen XML WebHelp and Oxygen PDF Chemistry.

There are changes in:

WebHelp Output

Implemented Ant Extension Points for WebHelp

Ant target extension points were added to allow custom tasks to be executed before and after various WebHelp transformation steps. For more details, see Ant Extensions for WebHelp Responsive.

Optimized Context-Sensitive Help

A new page has been added in the output root directory to help speed up the loading time for context-sensitive help. More specifically, the file name used for context-sensitive help was changed from index.html to cshelp.html.

Control the Sticky Layout for Various Components in WebHelp Output

New transformation parameters were added to allow you to control whether or not certain components remain sticky in the WebHelp output interface:

  • webhelp.enable.sticky.topic.toc - Controls whether or not the Topic TOC component remains sticky. The default setting is yes.
  • webhelp.enable.sticky.publication.toc - Controls whether or not the Publication TOC component remains sticky. The default setting is yes.
  • webhelp.enable.sticky.header - Controls whether or not the Header section remains sticky. The default setting is yes.

Optimized Top Menu

The top menu was optimized by adding a short delay before it is being displayed to help you avoid accidentally triggering a menu item.

PDF Output

Absolute Positioning Now Supported

The processor now supports absolute positions for inline elements. For example, you could define custom CSS rules to display an image in a certain absolute position within the document or paragraph.

Replace Media with Links

A new transformation parameter (show.media.as.link) can be used to display media objects with an external link instead of a graphic.

Sort Glossary Alphabetically and Grouped by First Letter

You can set the new sort.and.group.glossentries transformation parameter to yes to have the glossary entries sorted alphabetically and grouped by the first letter of the word. By default, they are inserted based upon the document order.

Component Updates

DITA Open Toolkit Version 3.7.0

The DITA Open Toolkit version bundled with Oxygen Publishing Engine has been updated to version 3.7.0.