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Creating Files from the Browser Interface

For any task that you are the owner (tasks you created or were assigned as an owner), you have the ability to create a new file from a list of templates directly in the Content Fusion browser interface. This is done from the Task Details page and the newly created file will automatically be added to the current task.

To create a new file from the browser interface, follow these steps:
  1. Open the particular task in the Task Details page.
  2. Click the NEW FILE button.

    Step Result: This opens a dialog box where you can select a document template to use as a starting point for the new file.

  3. Select an appropriate template, choose a file name in the text field at the bottom, and click OK.

    Step Result: The new file is opened in the visual editor page with some of the XML structure already added.

  4. Add content to the file. For information about the editing features, see the Visual Editor Page topic. For more advanced information about using the visual editor, see the Editing Documents section of the Oxygen XML Web Author online user manual.
    Note: Tasks that are created in the browser have the change tracking feature disabled by default. However, the task owner can force change tracking to be enabled by selecting the Enforce change tracking option from the Settings tab in the Task Details page.