
Oxygen XML Editor has a large number of features regarding the editing of the XML-related documents. You can find a detailed list of them here.
  • Visual (WYSIWYG) XML Editors
    Oxygen offers CSS-based, out-of-the-box visual editing support for a number of important XML documentation frameworks (DITA, DocBook, TEI, XHTML). Also, if you are planning to use other types of XML documents, an API is available for customizing Oxygen.
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  • XML Editor
    The XML Editor in Oxygen is a complete XML development platform with support for all major XML-related standards. An XML file can be edited in the following modes: Text, Grid, and Author editing modes. data sheetflyer
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  • Oxygen WebHelp for DITA and DocBook
    Oxygen offers support for transforming DITA and DocBook resources into WebHelp output. WebHelp consists of a series of HTML pages, neatly integrated into a system that offers table of contents, index navigation, text search capabilities, and various delivery formats (including feedback-enabled systems).

    A WebHelp system is the result of running a transformation scenario. However, if you require an automated process that produces the WebHelp output, the same result can be obtained by running the transformation inside Oxygen XML WebHelp Plugin, which is a command-line interface application that requires its own license key.

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    oXygen WebHelp for DITA and DocBook
  • XSLT
    The Oxygen XSLT support offers the best XSLT Editor available, an intuitive XSLT Debugger, a powerful XSLT Documentation tool, and a wide range of actions designed to refactor or reorganize the content of XSLT stylesheets.
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  • XML Schema
    Oxygen offers powerful tools that allow you to design, develop, and edit XML Schemas. These tools include the Text editing mode (packed full of helpers), intuitive and expressive visual schema designer mode, XML Instance Generator, and an XML Schema Documentation tool to output high quality documentation.
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  • WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
    Oxygen offers a WSDL Editor that supports both editing and online testing. You can use a wide range of searching and refactoring actions and a powerful WSDL documentation tool integrated with XML Schema documentation.
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  • Ant
    The support for editing Ant build files in Oxygen provides automatic validation, specialized content completion, helpful component-oriented views, and various search and refactoring operations.
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  • Relax NG Schema Editor
    Oxygen XML Editor offers you excellent support for editing Relax NG schemas.
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  • XQuery
    XQuery is intended for labeling information extracted from multiple structured sources, such as XML documents, object repositories, and databases. Oxygen offers support for editing, executing, and debugging XQuery documents.
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  • JSON
    JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange. It is derived from the JavaScript scripting language for representing simple data structures and associative arrays, called objects.
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  • JSON Schema
    Oxygen offers powerful tools that allow you to design, develop, and edit JSON Schemas. These tools include the Text editing mode (packed full of editing helpers), an intuitive and expressive visual schema Design mode, a JSON Instance Generator, and a JSON Schema documentation tool to produce high quality output. JSON Schema Editor
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  • YAML
    YAML is a human-readable data serialization language that is consistently listed as one of the most popular programming languages. It's often used as a format for configuration files, and in all kind of applications where data is being stored or transmitted. It uses both Python-style indentation to indicate nesting, and a more compact format for lists and associative arrays (also known as maps, dictionaries or hashes), making it a viable replacement for languages like JSON. The YAML acronym was shorthand for Yet Another Markup Language. But the maintainers have renamed it to YAML Ain't Markup Language to place more emphasis on its purpose as data-oriented, rather than document markup.
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  • OpenAPI and AsyncAPI
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  • HTML
    Oxygen includes a variety of specialized features to assist you with creating and editing HTML5 documents. Working with HTML5 documents has never been so easy.
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  • Markdown Editor
    Oxygen XML Editor offers an in-depth Markdown authoring and publishing experience. It is possible to combine Markdown and other type of documents (e.g. MS Word or DITA) into a single publication.
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  • XProc Support
    Oxygen includes support for editing XProc scripts, validating them, running the scripts for transformations, configuring extensions for the built-in Calabash engine, and integrating external XProc engines.
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  • XML Databases
    Oxygen XML Editor can perform XQuery/XPath queries against a database through a connection to the database server. A dedicated collection of database exploring views are grouped together in a database perspective layout.
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  • Content Management System (CMS) Integration
    Oxygen XML Editor offers out-of-the-box integration with various content management systems, such as Microsoft SharePoint, and any WebDAV-enabled CMS. Also, all major CMS vendors listed in the Partners page provide integrations between Oxygen and their solutions.
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  • Oxygen Compare and Merge Tools
    Oxygen provides a simple means of performing file and folder comparisons. The complete XML diff and merge solution offers directory, file, 3-way, and XML fragment comparisons, six different algorithms, and multiple levels of comparison.
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  • Subversion (SVN) Client
    Oxygen XML Editor simplifies document sharing between content authors by including an Apache SubversionTM (SVN) client. The SVN client allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update your working copy, and examine the revision history.
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  • Authoring
    Enjoy a personal authoring workspace for you to make changes across multiple files within a project and then commit them to the project's default branch. Since a workspace is lightweight, you can start editing immediately, without having to wait for an entire repository to be cloned.
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  • Review
    Oxygen Content Fusion let's you dive into the world of collaborative simplicity and content review excellence. Whether you're working with DITA projects, Git workflows, or any XML vocabulary, this platform simplifies the process. Control content sharing, collaborate remotely, and streamline tasks for an efficient management.
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  • Publishing
    Effortlessly generate WebHelp or PDF outputs with a wide range of publishing features. Whether you need instant updates or scheduled builds, Content Fusion offers automatic and scheduled deliverables. Customize your output with Oxygen Styles Basket for a unique look, or choose from a variety of built-in templates. Once your deliverable is built, simply download it for review or deployment to a hosting platform.
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  • Content Contribution
    Technical writers and subject matter experts have the ability to create new tasks, in which they can generate entirely fresh documents for drafting content. If the task was initially created by a subject matter expert, the task can subsequently be shared with the corresponding technical writer for integration.

    Oxygen Content Fusion users benefit from a range of content creation features, including form controls, custom templates, smart editing actions, and concurrent editing to streamline the collaborative content creation process.

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  • Other Features
    Oxygen includes a plethora of other useful and unique features. This section describes some of those other features.
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  • Oxygen XML WebHelp VPAT
    Information about Oxygen XML Editor compliance with the section 508.
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  • Oxygen XML Feature Matrix
    The list of the differences between Enterprise and Professional/Academic editions of Oxygen XML Editor. There is a single installation kit for all editions. Different license types are activating different features.
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  • Feature Matrix - Oxygen XML Editor & XML Developer
    The list of the differences between Oxygen XML Editor and Oxygen XML Developer.
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  • Feature Matrix - Oxygen XML Author & XML Developer
    The list of the differences between Oxygen XML Author and Oxygen XML Developer.
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  • Feature Matrix Oxygen XML Editor - Enterprise (AI-ready) and Professional Editions
    The list of the differences between Oxygen XML Editor Enterprise and Professional Editions.
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  • Feature Matrix Oxygen XML Author - Enterprise (AI-ready) and Professional Editions
    The list of the differences between Oxygen XML Author Enterprise (AI-ready) and Professional Editions.
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  • Feature Matrix Oxygen XML Developer - Enterprise (AI-ready) and Professional Editions
    The list of the differences between Oxygen XML Developer Enterprise (AI-ready) and Professional Editions.
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