• 2025

    Version 26.1 - March 25, 2024
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    Version 26.0 - October 11, 2023
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    Version 25.1 - March 16, 2023
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  • 24.1
    Version 24.1 - March 7, 2022
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  • 23.1
    Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
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    Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
    Version 23.0 - November 19, 2020
  • 22.1
    Version 22.1 - May 19, 2020

What's New in Oxygen Publishing Engine 23.0

November 19, 2020

Related version: 23.1    

Version 23 of the Oxygen Publishing Engine provides more improvements and new customization possibilities for WebHelp Responsive output and the CSS-based PDF output (via the Oxygen PDF Chemistry processor).

Oxygen XML WebHelp offers the option to link the WebHelp output to your own installation of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise, a self-managed edition specially designed for organizations that prefer to install the software on their own server for better data control. Several new transformation parameters were also added for this release.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry provides more improvements and new possibilities for the CSS Paged Media processor used for obtaining PDF output from HTML or XML documents simply by styling them with CSS.

There are changes in:

WebHelp Output

Oxygen Feedback Enterprise

Version 1.3 of the Oxygen Feedback commenting platform introduced the Enterprise (self-managed) edition for organizations that prefer to install the software on their own server for better data control. Each organization is provided with a Platform Admin account for accessing a special administration area, the Enterprise version offers the ability to enable and configure LDAP authentication, and it is compatible with the old Oxygen WebHelp PHP-based commenting system, meaning that you can migrate your database without losing any information.

Control Which Elements are Indexed by the Search Engine

You can now specify a list of HTML elements that will not be indexed by the search engine. A new transformation parameter (webhelp.search.index.elements.to.exclude) can be used to specify the list of elements and the value of the @class attribute is used to determine which specific HTML elements are excluded. For example, the div.not-indexed value will result in all <div> elements that have a @class attribute with the value of not-indexed to be excluded.

Add Words to the Default Stop Words List

You can now specify words to be included in the default list of stop words. These are words (such as articles, pronouns, and prepositions) that are ignored by the search engine. A new transformation parameter (webhelp.search.stop.words.include) can be used to specify which words to include in the list (and therefore, instruct the search engine to ignore them).

PDF Output

Image Maps Now Fully Supported

Image maps are now fully supported in DITA-based output. The shapes that are defined in the image map are rendered in the output as clickable areas within the image and the list of links are presented below the image. Also, two new parameters (show.image.map.area.numbers and show.image.map.area.shapes) can be used for debugging purposes. For more details, see How to Use Image Maps.

Improved the Resolution for Raster Images

The resolution for raster images has changed (from 120dpi to 96dpi) to make the sizes and coordinates for image maps similar to the ones from the HTML output, as seen in the web browsers. It is also possible to change it back to 120dpi by using *[class ~= "topic/image"] { image-resolution: 120dpi; }.

Sections Now Included in Deep Numbering

When publishing to CSS-based PDF output, by default, sections are now numbered when you set the args.css.param.numbering parameter to a deep numbering type. It is also possible to exclude sections from the numbering.

Specify Where Navigation Titles are Displayed

When publishing to CSS-based PDF output, a new customization parameter is available called use.navtitles.in.all.links. It specifies whether a navtitle defined in a topic or a topic reference should be used as the display name for all links or only in the table of contents.

Improvements to Template Previews in DITA Map to PDF Tranformations

When using the DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS transformation scenario, the template previews now show a more accurate depiction of the output (a two-page layout with a cover page and a TOC page).

New Parameter for Controlling the Version of the PDF

The new pdf.version transformation parameter can be used to specify the version of the produced PDF.

CSS PDF Processor Bug Fixes and Improvements

A lot of work was done on improving the Oxygen PDF Chemistry processor. To see a list of all the bug fixes, component updates, and improvements, see the What's New in Oxygen PDF Chemistry 23.0 webpage.