• 2025

    Version 26.1 - March 25, 2024
  • 2024

    Version 26.0 - October 11, 2023
  • 25.1
    Version 25.1 - March 16, 2023
  • 2023

    Version 25.0 - October 13, 2022
  • 24.1
    Version 24.1 - March 7, 2022
  • 2022

    Version 24.1 - March 7, 2022
    Version 24.0 - October 18, 2021
  • 23.1
    Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
  • 2021

    Version 23.1 - March 4, 2021
    Version 23.0 - November 19, 2020
  • 22.1
    Version 22.1 - May 19, 2020

What's New in Oxygen Publishing Engine 23.1

March 4, 2021

Related version: 23.0    

Version 23.1 of Oxygen Publishing Engine benefits from all the improvements and new features implemented in Oxygen XML WebHelp and Oxygen PDF Chemistry.

Oxygen PDF Chemistry received further enhancements, such as more details about warning and error messages to assist with debugging, additional support was included for some requested CSS properties along with the addition of new parameters to help fine-tune customizations, and the memory footprint was optimized to provide better performance.

Oxygen XML WebHelp offers new transformation parameters and HTML fragment placeholder parameters to open up a myriad of additional possibilities for customizing the look and style of your output, redesigned renderings of the various types of DITA <note> elements, the ability to add a component in your WebHelp output that links to a PDF resource, and various bug fixes and component updates.

You can visually customize both the PDF and the web help HTML output using Oxygen Styles Basket, a free web-based visual tool that helps you fine-tune the CSS that is used by Oxygen PDF Chemistry to produce PDF or by Oxygen XML WebHelp to produce web help output.

There are changes in:

WebHelp Output

Add and Manage Comments Contextually

If you integrate Oxygen Feedback into your WebHelp output, your users can now add and manage comments contextually at a specific location within the output page where block elements appear (e.g. section, paragraph, list, or table elements) without having to scroll to the comments area at the bottom of the page. This means that the feedback is more precise and it is easier to perceive it in the intended context. For technical details, see our user guide topic: Block-Level Comments.

Automatically Convert HTML Fragments to Well-formed XML

The webhelp.enable.html.fragments.conversion transformation parameter was added and when set to true (the default setting), the transformation will automatically convert contributed content to well-formed XML. If set to false, the transformation will fail if any included HTML fragments are not well-formed.

Access More HTML Fragment Placeholder Possibilities

If you use custom HTML fragments to customize various components in your WebHelp Responsive output, you now have access to more placeholders for your custom fragments, opening up new customization possibilities.

Integrate a Custom Search Engine in Your WebHelp Output

It is now possible to integrate a custom search engine into your WebHelp Responsive output with the help of two new transformation parameters. The webhelp.fragment.custom.search.engine.results parameter can be used to replace the search results area with custom XHTML content, while the webhelp.fragment.custom.search.engine.script parameter can be used to replace the built-in search engine implementation with your own custom one.

Distinguish More Easily the Content of DITA Note Elements

The rendering of DITA <note> elements in the WebHelp output was redesigned to make the content within the note even more noticeable. The various icons used for representing the types of notes were modernized and the content within the note is now enclosed in a stylish highlighted box that helps make your documentation more visually appealing.

Add Link Component in WebHelp Output to Open PDF Documentation

It is now possible to add a component in your WebHelp output that links to an external PDF resource. For example, it could link to the PDF equivalent of the documentation. This is achieved by configuring some new transformation parameters and the link component is added in the header/breadcrumb stripe, next to the navigation links. For details, see How to Add a Link to PDF Documentation.

Deprecated Transformation Scenario: DocBook WebHelp Classic with Feedback

The DocBook Webhelp Classic with Feedback transformation scenario is now deprecated. WebHelp Classic for DocBook can now be integrated with the new Oxygen Feedback commenting platform instead.

Deprecated Support for Internet Explorer

The support for Internet Explorer is now deprecated. Full support for Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari remain intact.

Component Update: DITA Open Toolkit 3.6

The DITA Open Toolkit version used for publishing DITA content was updated to 3.6. This provides access to parameters that help to reduce the publishing time.

PDF Output

Oxygen Styles Basket

The new Oxygen Styles Basket is a handy web-based visual tool that helps you to fine-tune the CSS file that is used to customize your PDF or WebHelp output. You simply pick and mix aspects from galleries to add and adjust the rules in your custom CSS file. Watch this video to see a visual overview of the tool.

Display SVG Syntax Diagrams in PDF Output

The svg-syntaxdiagrams DITA-OT plugin is now supported, providing the means for SVG syntax diagrams to be rendered in the PDF output. To learn how to install the plugin and enable this support, see How to Use SVG Syntax Diagrams.