Build ID: 2020110315

Wed, 5 Nov 2020 12:00:00 GMT

Core: Publish security advisor for CVE-2016-1000027.

Core: Fixed the validation of the data input when creating the platform admin account.

Admin Site Management: Fixed an issue where the platform admin could not be added as a moderator or admin of a site.

Admin Site Management: Only the site name is now required to confirm the operation when disabling, deleting, or transferring ownership of a site.

Profile Page: Fixed an error that appeared when accessing the profile page of a deleted user account.

License: Fixed an issue where on-screen and email subscription notifications were provided even if a user had no sites, or they were disabled or deleted.

What's New in
Oxygen Feedback Enterprise

September 5, 2024

Version 5.0 of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise introduces the integration of an AI Assistant chatbot and an AI-Enhanced Search Summary component within your WebHelp output.

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