Build History of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise Releases

Build ID: 2022111716

Fri, 18 Nov 2022 15:30:00 GMT

Security/Component Update:

Component Update:

  • Updated the Spring Boot framework to version 2.7.5 to avoid CVE-2022-42252.
  • Updated the Jackson Databind library to version 2.13.4.
  • Updated the babel-loader (9.1.0), css-loader (6.7.2), style-loader (3.3.1), webpack (5.75.0), and webpack-cli (4.10.0) to remove dependencies of the loader-utils to avoid vulnerabilities associated with CVE-2022-37601.

Build ID: 2022091217

Tue, 13 Sep 2022 15:30:00 GMT

Component Update:

  • Updated org.postgresql:postgresql to version 42.4.1 to mitigate CVE-2022-31197.

Comments Component:

  • Updated login flow to handle the case when the browser has restricted access to first party storage.

Build ID: 2022071516

Mon, 18 Jul 2022 15:30:00 GMT

Email notifications/Security:

  • The content of the comments is sanitized before being included in an email notification.

Component Update:

  • Updated the Spring Boot Dependencies library to version 2.7.0 to avoid various vulnerabilities.

Security/Component Update:

  • Updated the Moment.js library to version 2.29.3 to avoid CVE-2022-24785.
  • Updated the Spring Boot Dependencies library to version 2.7.1 to avoid CVE-2018-11040.


  • Unauthenticated users trying to access resources that belong to an organization are automatically redirected to that organization's login page, which already contains the organization ID pre-filled.

Organization Profile:

  • Fixed an issue where the organization logo was not updated in the application header bar after it was changed in the Organization Profile page.

Build ID: 2022060216

Tue, 7 Jun 2022 15:30:00 GMT

Page ratings

  • Fixed an issue where page ratings statistics could not be accessed by users that have site-level administration rights.

Component Update

  • Updated the spring-boot-dependencies library to version 2.6.7.
  • Updated the spring-web library to version 5.3.19.

Email notifications

  • Fixed an issue where email notifications were not sent to moderators when a reply was added to a moderator's comment.

Organization Members

  • Pending invitations are now sorted by date in descending order.

Comments Administration page

  • Fixed an issue where the Approve action was available on a deleted comment instead of the Restore action.

Build ID: 2022041216

Thu, 14 April 2022 15:30:00 GMT

What's New in
Oxygen Feedback Enterprise

September 5, 2024

Version 5.0 of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise introduces the integration of an AI Assistant chatbot and an AI-Enhanced Search Summary component within your WebHelp output.

Learn more