Build History of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise Releases

Build ID: 2023083012

Wed, 30 August 2023 15:30:00 GMT

Content Indexing and Search:

  • Fixed the case where no results were obtained when searching in Chinese content with a term of 3 or more characters.

Site Settings page:

  • The option to display the "Powered by Oxygen Feedback" link is now available for all paid subscription plans. Previously it was only available for Business and Corporate plans.

Build ID: 2023072015

Wed, 26 July 2023 15:30:00 GMT

Component Update:

  • Updated Spring Boot Dependencies to version 2.7.13.
  • Updated the Spring Security library to version 5.7.8.
  • Updated Apache Tomcat to version 9.0.76.
  • Updated the jackson-core, jackson-databind, and jackson-annotations libraries to version 2.15.1.

Page Ratings:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented admins from accessing rating messages for pages with special characters in the file path.

Search Engine:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented index to be created.

Build ID: 2023050410

Fri, 5 May 2023 15:30:00 GMT

Comments Component:

  • A Reply to this thread button is available at the end of the list of replies to make it easier to reply to a thread when other replies already exist.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Comments component to be loaded in WebHelp Responsive 24.1 or older outputs when Content Indexing was enabled.

Search Engine:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the search engine to return results for search queries containing hyphened compound words.
  • Fixed an issue where search engine did not propose completions from keywords if a token from the search query was located at the end of a keyword.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the search results' description to be correctly computed when style elements were present in document and the document has no description set.

Build ID: 2023031610

Thu, 16 March 2023 15:30:00 GMT

What's New in
Oxygen Feedback Enterprise

September 5, 2024

Version 5.0 of Oxygen Feedback Enterprise introduces the integration of an AI Assistant chatbot and an AI-Enhanced Search Summary component within your WebHelp output.

Learn more