Oxygen XML Editor
The Premier All-In-One XML Editing Suite
Oxygen XML Author
Single-Source XML Authoring and Multi-Channel Publishing
Oxygen XML Developer
The Required Tools for Designing XML Schemas and Transformation Pipelines
Oxygen JSON Editor
The Perfect Tool to Simplify Your JSON Editing Experience
Oxygen Publishing Engine
The Complete DITA Publishing Solution for WebHelp and PDF Output
Oxygen PDF Chemistry
Chemistry Converts HTML and XML to PDF Using CSS
Oxygen XML WebHelp
Publish DITA Content to WebHelp Output
Oxygen Styles Basket
Customize the Look and Feel of Your PDF and WebHelp Output
Oxygen XML Web Author
Engage Your Whole Organization In Content Creation
Oxygen Content Fusion
The Web-based Collaboration Platform to Craft Tomorrow's Content
Oxygen Feedback
Modern Commenting Platform
Oxygen AI Positron
Enhance Your Productivity with the Power of AI
Oxygen Scripting
Automate and Run Oxygen Utilities from the Command-Line Interface
Oxygen SDK
Specifically designed for application developers and integrators
Pricing and licensing for businesses, Academic and individuals
Version 14.1 of Oxygen XML Editor makes XML authoring available to everybody, by allowing attributes to be edited directly in the Author mode through form-like controls and placing actions directly in the document flow. This expands the range of XML documents that can be edited visually from text-centric to data oriented documents.
The built-in frameworks support was improved, especially the DITA support which features better error reporting and a rename/move topic refactoring action.
The XML developers can use Oxygen XML to start experimenting with the XML Schema 1.1 standard, while the huge XML files support allows them to edit multi GB documents.
As many partners depend on Oxygen XML for their solutions, a lot of effort was put into improving and expanding the API to allow them to develop more integrated Oxygen-powered applications.
As usual, Oxygen updates many components to their latest versions, the embedded SVN client supports Subversion 1.7 and the Eclipse plugin distribution works with Eclipse version 4.2.
There are changes in:
A detailed list of all changes to the Java API can be found here.
If the predefined controls are not enough, the package ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.editor contains the API necessary to build your custom form-based editors for attribute and text values in the Author mode. To get you started the Java sources for the SimpleURLChooserEditor are available in the Author SDK.
The base class PluginWorkspaceTCBase can be used to construct automated JUnit tests for your custom plugins and frameworks. More information is available in the user manual.
The predefined operations ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.operations.XSLTOperation and ro.sync.ecss.extensions.commons.operations.XQueryOperation can be used in your custom actions to modify the XML content in the Author mode. This make possible to create custom actions with no Java knowledge by just providing XSLT or XQuery scripts.
The AuthorComponentProvider.createExtensionActionsToolbars() API gives you the possibility to construct a toolbar with all the actions defined at framework level in exactly the same order in which they have been added to the toolbars from the Document Type Edit dialog box.
The WSAuthorEditorPageBase.goToNextEditablePosition(int) method allows you to jump to the next editable position, similarly to using the TAB key.
The WSAuthorEditorPageBase.editAttribute(AuthorElement,String) method allows you to identify an in-place editor for the given attribute and edit it.
The AuthorPersistentHighlighter.canAddHighlight(int,int) method allows you to check if a custom highlight can be added between certain offsets.
The AuthorPersistentHighlighter.getHighlights(int,int), AuthorReviewController.getCommentHighlights(int,int) and AuthorChangeTrackingController.getChangeHighlights(int,int) methods allows you to find all highlights for a certain type intersecting a certain offset range.
The AuthorChangeTrackingController.accept() and AuthorChangeTrackingController.reject() methods allows you to accept or reject changes either individually or in a certain range.
The WSTextEditorPage.addPopUpMenuCustomizer(TextPopupMenuCustomizer) method allows you to set a pop-up menu customizer for the Text mode.
The WSAuthorEditorPage.getAuthorAccess() method allows you to obtain the AuthorAccess API from an WSAuthorEditorPage. This is useful if you want to write utility methods used both in a framework and in a plugin.
The Workspace.getDataSourceAccess() method allows you to obtain information about the various database or remote connections which have been configured in the preferences by the user.
The extension point com.oxygenxml.editor.actionBarContributorCustomizer in your custom plugin can return an ActionBarContributorCustomizer implementation which can filter items added to the main toolbar and to the internal Author toolbar.
Using the existing ValidationProblemsFilter API and the WSTextBasedEditorPage.getStartEndOffsets(DocumentPositionedInfo) API the Author Component sample can also display a list with all validation problems found in the XML document.
Added possibility to make a specific area of the Author mode visible using the WSAuthorEditorPageBase.scrollToRectangle(Rectangle) method